Three people performing Salaah in jamaat
Q: If three people are offering Salah in jamaat then how should they stand?
Q: If three people are offering Salah in jamaat then how should they stand?
Q: I am a follower of Hanafi madhab, I have 2 masjids to pray salaah during Zohar, Asar & Magrib Salaah in my office, kindly advise in which masjid I need to pray according to Hanafi.
Masjid1: Shafi Imam with Sunnah beard but Quraan recitation is not fully tajweed
Masjid 2: Hanafi Imam(Aalim) without Sunnah Beard (i.e. Trimming the beard) but quran recitation is fully Tajweed.
Till now I am praying behid with Shafi Imam because his beard is according to sunnah.
Q: I read in a book that if you change a letter during recitation in salaah, the salaah is broken. Such as reading the letter ت instead of د such as at the end of Surah al Falaq reading HASET instead of HASED. But somehow when I recite HASED no matter how much I pay attention to recite it with D I hear a T sound at the end coming out. Does this still break salaah? To break salaah does it need to change meaning, if HASED is read as HASET does it change meaning?
Q: What is the requirement to become an Imaam?
Q: What is the reward of Salah?
Q: Will the jamaat with the female household exclude one from all the severe warnings?
Q: What is the repercussions of performing Salah alone?
Q: How important or what status (Fardh, Wajib) is Salah with congregation?
Q: Does salah with women congregation hold the same rewards as with men? or does the obligation of congregation fall?
Q: Could the following be verified with a source please: