Dua Naad e Ali

Q: I came across a Sunni Version of Dua Naad e Ali, by reading it the dua looks very good to me, could you please let me know if reading this dua is permissible and also let me know its meaning in English.

Tasbi Yunus

Q: I have come across many people who recite Tasbi Yunus incorrectly rather that reciting -Inni kun “tu” minaz-zalimin, they recite- Inni kun “tum” instead of “tu”. My question is, will the meaning change or will it be incorrect to recite- Inni kun “tum” minaz-zalimin?

Zikr in a gathering

Q: How did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) go about making zikr in a gathering, as there is mention made in a hadeeth something to the effect that a gathering in which zikr is done, blessings descend and the angels surround such a gathering. Please advice how should we go about implementing this hadeeth in the exact manner as Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) did? 

Seizing the assets of the director of a limited company due to recklessness

Q: If a Director of a Limited Company acts beyond the contract with shareholders and acts recklessly, can shareholders demand that the Director assets (including cash) are seized by the shareholders? If they can be seized, how are they to be distributed?

Separate Scenario:

Before it is known that the Company Director has acted recklessly and broken contracts with its shareholders, what happens to any funds/assets that he has paid/transferred  as a gift/voluntarily to any of the shareholders from his personal wealth.  Do shareholders have the right to demand from the recipient of this gift a refund of the gift so it can be shared by shareholders?

When it is known that the Company Director has acted recklessly and broken contracts with its shareholders, what happens to any funds/assets that he has paid/transferred  as a gift/voluntarily to any of the shareholders from his personal wealth.  Do shareholders have the right to demand from the recipient of this gift a refund of the gift so it can be shared by shareholders?