
Q: I wanted to know that if a person is aroused by thinking of something else or seeing someone else but his mother in law is sitting next to him but he is not aroused by her in anyway nor is his attention on her but because they are sitting next to each other both body is in contact. Does this count? Also say you touched a woman with lust before marriage. Can you marry her daughter?

The Hadith of a married person receiving extra reward

Q: A local Aalim in our area said - " Married person will get more reward for all the Islamic activities like - Salaah, Dhikir, Going out in the path of Allah etc. than the unmarried person .... "

Is that true? Is there any references for that kind of Reward for Married person in Qur'an and Authentic or any Weak Hadiths? That Aalim gave a reference like - "whoever gets married, he/she completes the Half of Deen" ... Can this be a reference for the mentioned issue? What does it mean actually? Should a male/female get married soon to receive more rewards for his/her prayers? Or, it has no validity in Islam in the light of Qur'an and Hadiths?