A film crew making wants to use a property for a scene in their show
Q: A film crew making wants to use a property for a scene in their show. They pay a location fee. Is this income halaal? If not, can this income be donated? Sadaqah?
Q: A film crew making wants to use a property for a scene in their show. They pay a location fee. Is this income halaal? If not, can this income be donated? Sadaqah?
Q: Is it permissible for father and son to get married to 2 sisters?
Q: A friend who has haraam income gave me clothing. Is there a way where I can make the wearing of the clothing permissible?
Q: I was raised in a Hanafi family and I pray my salat according to the Hanafi school. But recently I found out that prophets prayer was a little bit different than the way Hanafis pray. For example, Hanafis DONT raise their hands before going to the Rukuh and while straightening up from the Rukuh. So I was thinking should I start praying like the way Hanbalis pray? I go to a Hanafi masjid. Can I pray like this over or should I act like a pure Hanafi?
Q: I have a chronic disease with no cure, which is the inability to hold urination. My clothing is always soiled with urine.
Q: If money collectors comes to some ones door and they are collecting for the building of new mosque, but they are people with wrong aqidah. If one gives them some money without the intention of supporting their ideas, is this kufr?
Q: My question is about a thief. Is there any punishment for a thief according to Quran?
Q: I've been looking for hizbul bahr here in pakistan and can't find it. I live need the madrassah of hakeem akhtar saahib, and the booksellers don't know about it. Is there a downloadable version on the net anywhere?
س: لو أدخل الشخص نقوده في البنك التقليدي، و زاد البنك النقود الربوية على نقوده الشخصية، و بعد زمان مات هذا الشخص. هل لأقرباءه حق الميراث في تلك النقود الربوية؟ و هذا هو الحال في كثير من الأسر الإسلامية حتى في الدول الإسلامية.
س: هل الصحيح عند أهل السنة والجماعة أن أبا بكر (رضي الله عنه) - أفضل الناس و خيرهم بعد الانبياء؟