Salaah according to the Hanafi Mazhab

Q: I was raised in a Hanafi family and I pray my salat according to the Hanafi school. But recently I found out that prophets prayer was a little bit different than the way Hanafis pray. For example, Hanafis DONT raise their hands before going to the Rukuh and while straightening up from the Rukuh. So I was thinking should I start praying like the way Hanbalis pray? I go to a Hanafi masjid. Can I pray like this over or should I act like a pure Hanafi?

The laws of a ma'zoor

Q: I have a chronic disease with no cure, which is the inability to hold urination. My clothing is always soiled with urine.

  1. Do I have to change every time I have to pray, knowing that most of the time I'm away from home. What if I can not pray on time?
  2. Sometimes I start to pray and urine comes out, do I have to finish or stop praying?

Hizbul Bahr

Q: I've been looking for hizbul bahr here in pakistan and can't find it. I live need the madrassah of hakeem akhtar saahib, and the booksellers don't know about it. Is there a downloadable version on the net anywhere?

وراثة المال الحرام

س: لو أدخل الشخص نقوده في البنك التقليدي، و زاد البنك النقود الربوية على نقوده الشخصية، و بعد زمان مات هذا الشخص. هل لأقرباءه حق الميراث في تلك النقود الربوية؟ و هذا هو الحال في كثير من الأسر الإسلامية حتى في الدول الإسلامية.