Is intending to please others besides Allah shirk?

Q: Tablighi jamaat members say that we should always avoid show and vanity and should render our services only to please Allah. I am quoting few ahadith's from Fazae'l aamaal below:

One hadith says: Allah has proclaimed I am the most self respecting and self sufficient of all partners, therefore whoever brings forth a partner to me in any action, i entrust him to the same partner. Then i have no value for his actions, which are all given to the partner. Another hadith says: whoever performs prayer for show, he becomes guilty of false worship. and whoever fast for show he also becomes guilty of false worship, and whoever gives alms for show also become guilty of false worship. and another hadith says: It will be proclaimed on the day of judgement: whoever has brought forward a partner to allah in any action, he should demand his reward from the same partner, for allah is far above needing any partner.

Few week back i have gone through One Hadith of Bukhari Shareef : "Umar ibnil khattab (radiyallhu anhu) narrated : I heard Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam saying; verily the reward of deeds depend upon intentions and indeed every man shall receive what he intended for. Thus, he whose migration was for Allah and his messenger, so his migration will be considered for Allah and his messenger. He whose Migration was towards the world or to be married to some woman, his migration will be considered to be for what he migrated for.

After reading the Bukhari hadith, I am getting lot of doubts and confusion in my mind. I am not denying of any Hadith. The waswasa that are coming in mind are as follows:

  1. As per the above Bukhari hadith, what I understand that  actions/deeds can be done for both Allah and his messenger? If yes this is not contradicting with Hadith which says that "Allah is the most self respecting and self sufficient of all partners".  Making Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) partner will not be considered as Shirk?
  2. Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) will be consider a patner to Allah or not?
  3. I want to know is this above Bukhari Hadith is for only Sahabah, now as Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) passed away we have to perform all our actions only to Allah?
  4. So if the actions are performed for others (Excluding Allah and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam), the actions will be considired as false worship/Shirk?
  5. Can we make intention to please Allah and His Messenger as well?

Listening to Forty Duroods

Q: For listening to the Quraan you get Reward. Is their reward for listening to 40 Durood.  Where is it written that you must listen to 40 Durood and what are the bebefits of listening to 40 Duroods and what are the virtues of listening to 40 Durood?

Forty Duroods

Q: Over Radio Islam or Chanel Islam or any gathering we frequently hear the recitation of 40 Duroods.  I have only come across the mention and benefits of reading 100 or 1000 Durood.  Where is it written in the hadith kitaabs or made mention specifically of 40 Duroods and what are the benefits of reading specifically 40 Durood?


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