
Q: After having a baby, you are on your periods for 40 days. Does that mean that its not allowed to read namaz for that time period?

Donating breast milk

Q: I have a question about whether it would be allowed for a Muslim to donate breast milk for use by babies. Secondly would it be allowed for a Muslim mom to allow her baby to use donated breast milk on a newborn infant.

Background information: bottle feeding is both expensive +\- minus R400 per month and needs to be sterilized. For the poor person who is unable to breast feed, mom who's dead or too ill this could lead to serious illness in the child. For instance over diluting to save money would lead to malnourishment. Or people without access to electricity may not heat the bottles leading to child getting severe infections.

Wearing Hijaab only

Q: I am 52 years old. I wear a hijab but not a nikab. An Alima advised me that this is fine as long as my neck & chest is covered. Please advise if this is true or am committing a sin by not wearing a nikab?

Water birth

Q: I would like to find out whether a water birth is permissible or not, also the lady is allowed to wear a loose top? Please clarify.

Converting Videos of Lectures, Tajweed lessons, etc, into audio format

Q: In my childhood, I promised to my teacher that I will not watch television (T.V). When I started trying to bring Islam in my practical life I realized the importance of promise in Islam. Alhamdulillah I tried to abstain from watching T.V and every kind of videos on internet. Sometimes I want to listen the lectures of religious scholars, learn tajweed/ Aabic or other languages. Being a female I can't go outside easily. Can I convert the video lectures into audio mp3 and then only listen them?