Waswasas of Kufr

Q: I suffer from a lot of waswas about kufr. So sometimes I utter the Shahada to calm my mind. Does this affect my Nikah? If I hadn't actually comitted kufr but uttered the Shahada out of fear I had comitted kufr, would I consequently have to renew my Nikah as well? Sorry if you find the question strange, but these kind of things are in my head.

What to do During Pregnancy

Q: Respected Ulama, trough the grace of Allah all mighty, my wife has found out that she is pregnant. We are most grateful to Allah, and at the same time we do not want to displease Allah by doing things the wrong way. My question firstly is: Is there any law about a time period were one should not tell others about the pregnancy? Secondly if you can please give some targheeb on what sunnah practices should be carried out during the pregnancy and at the time of birth and the first few weeks? May Allah reward you plenty fold and make your task an easy one.

Who will be the Wali?

Q: We had an affair and had an illegitimate daughter from that affair. After that we got married. Now my daughter is 20 years old. She does not know anything about this and she is going to marry soon. My question is can I be the Wali (guardian) to my daughter? If not who can be the Wali?

Imitation Rings

Q: We know that one can only use rings made dominantly of gold or silver. Can one use plastic rings?  Can one sell imitation rings which are impermissible to others? Would it make a difference if the customers were muslims or nonmuslims?

Monthly Allowance for the Wife

Q: Asalaamu Alaykum. I am married for 5 years, for the first three years, I would receive an allowance from my husband. Now for almost two years, he doesn't give me a cent, and always complains that he has many debts to pay. I feel that the debts are his own doing and that I am being cheated off my allowance so that he can pay his debts. It gets so bad sometimes that if I need a little money, I have to borrow from the neighbour as he sternly refuses to give me money for myself. With regards to groceries, he buys the necessary items. But I'm talking about money for my personal use. Is it right for him to do this?