Superstitions and Stray Thoughts
Q: I am very superstitious and I want to get rid of it through a Qur'aanic Ayat. Please inform me of a Qur'aanic Ayat of Hadith.
Q: I am very superstitious and I want to get rid of it through a Qur'aanic Ayat. Please inform me of a Qur'aanic Ayat of Hadith.
Q: Can a person sitting for Sunnat i'tikaaf come out of the musjid to perform? Someone quoted the sayings of Saahibain i.e. that a person does not have to spend the entire day in the musjid rather he must spend most amount of the day in the musjid.
س: هل هناك أحاديث صحيحة أو حسنة في فضائل التلفظ بالذكر التالي: "لا حول و لا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم"؟
Q: If the person performing the taraweeh misses the Esha Salaah with the Jammat, is he still allowed to perform the taraweeh?
Q: A baby is born after maghrib on a Tuesday. When will the sunnah / mustahab actions on the 7th day be carried out?
Q: Is share trading permissibile?
Q: I have a sister who has separated from her husband in the UK. She has 2 daughters under the age of 4 and is living with parents at the moment until she can get a council place. Can i give her my zakaat as she is not working and chances of her returning to her husband is unlikely?
Q: Is the water of a small fish tank najis?
Q: When one wants to become a muslim, do we first say the shahada and then learn the basics of Islam for example how to make Salaah or must we first learn these basics and then recite the shahada?
Q: I continuously get a discharge (from yellow to white) after haidh. What must I do if I feel the discharge during Salaah? Should a break the Salaah and renew my wuduh? How much liquid has to be discharged in order for the wuduh to be broken? What is the minimum time that one can be considered a ma'zurah?