Water Entering the Anal Passage While Fasting
Q: Will the fast break if water enters the anal passage while fasting? How then should a person make istinja whilst fasting?
Q: Will the fast break if water enters the anal passage while fasting? How then should a person make istinja whilst fasting?
Q: Is it permitted to apply Vicks on the nose whilst fasting or to inhale Vicks/sniff a nasal inhaler such as fixit or inhale the spray of an air freshener whilst fasting?
Q: 1) When one is fasting, is one allowed to use: a) deodorant and perfumes containing alcohol denat; b) lip-care; c) and body lotion?
2) If a woman's period appears during her fast, does she have to break it or to go on fasting until iftaar time?
Q: Today is the 29th of Ramadhaan. It is waajib for a party to observe the sky for the visibility of the moon according to all schools of thought. Now it is said by astronomical scientists that tonight it is not possible to see it. Do we go and look for the moon in accordance with the teachings of the Sunnah or abandon this Sunnah? Now suppose a group of 2,3,4,5, of reliable, good Muslims come from the village and they testify that they have seen the moon, tonight what do you do?
Q: I need to know the period of I’tikaaf (the last 10 nights of Ramadhaan spent in the Masjid)
1) For how many days we can do I’tikaaf? I heard for 10 days only.
Q: How is Zakaat on paper money calculated?
Q: Certain fish only eat live bait. Is it permissible to use live bait to catch it?
Q: A man passed away and left a wife who is 8 months pregnant. Will this child which is still in the womb of the mother inherit from the fathers estate?
Q: With regards to keeping a beard. It is Waajib? Does this ruling only apply to the Hanafi madhab? I have a family member who follows Imam Shafi'ee and he would like to know the ruling.
Q: Does a woman that missed fasts due to her having her periods have to pay Fidyah for the days she missed?