Discharging sadaqatul fitr on behalf of one's wife and baaligh children without their permission
Q: If a father discharges sadaqatul fitr on behalf of his wife and baaligh children without their permission, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: If a father discharges sadaqatul fitr on behalf of his wife and baaligh children without their permission, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: If a person did not discharge his sadaqatul fitr for many years, what should he do?
Q: If someone gives his sadaqatul fitr to a non-muslim in a non-Islamic State, will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: If someone gives his sadaqatul fitr to a poor non-muslim in an Islamic state (a zimmi), will the sadaqatul fitr be discharged?
Q: Is sadaqatul fitr only waajib on those who fasted in Ramadhaan?
Q: Will sadaqatul fitr be waajib upon a minor who receives wealth equal to the nisaab of zakaat before the morning of Eid (i.e. before subah saadiq)?
Q: Will the obligation of sadaqatul fitr fall away if one did not discharge it on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr?
Q: When does sadaqatul fitr become waajib?
Q: Will sadaqatul fitr be waajib on a person who has an extra house, which he does not reside in?
Q: Is sadaqatul fitr waajib on a person who has debts?