Reciting "Ya Salaamu" for a sick person

Q: For the last couple months my grandfather has become extremely ill, me and my extended family have been taking turns in traveling to Bangladesh to visit him. My aunt is currently in Bangladesh. An imam from Bangladesh has told my aunt to recite “Ya Salamu” as a form of tasbeeh 50,000 times. Both me and my mother have not come across this tasbeeh and after looking for it we have not found it, we are both concerned that this is bidah (innovation) and that it is not authentic, please could you clear the air if this is authentic or not.

Insurance, medical aid and using banks in Western countries


1. Are all forms of insurance haraam in the west? If a person doesn’t have car insurance in a western country and they have an accident, they have to pay $10,000 to cover the costs of not only their own vehicle but the other vehicle if it is their fault? Where can a Muslim who doesn’t have insurance, get all that money from?

2. Is medical/dental insurance haraam in the west? There are Muslims in the west that live with their elderly parents and they always have to go to hospital and if they didn’t have medical insurance, they would have to pay so much thousands of dollars of money that they simply wouldn’t have it. Where would they go to get their medical treatment. Would they do nothing?

3. Many people say that when you earn money in the west and go to banks to withdraw that money, that money is interest money which the bank runs on so you can’t do anything?

Keeping non-Muslim women as slaves

Q: In Islam, it has been allowed to have intimacy with slave women and to even have children from them. Islam also prescribes the rights of slave women which are the responsibility of the master. And slave women traditionally have been the unbeliever women, who were purchased or captured during wars they waged on Muslims.

My question is that, can a wealthy Muslim man living in a non Muslim country, exercise the provision of keeping unbeliever women as slaves? Whereas unbeliever women are willing to live with him (with free will) on the same rights/conditions prescribed in Islam for slave women. What is the ruling on keeping non Muslim slave women this way?

What is mani and mazi?

Q: I wanted to know what exactly is mani and mazi. I know one is thick and one is thin but what about the excitement thing? Mani means you have to have a ghusal and mazi is just whudhu, but I'm not sure what they actually look like. Is mazi like water (just liquid) or is it a little bit thick and strechy?

Husband telling wife "Take your divorce"

Q: I married for the second time in 11.11.2016. Before marriage, I stayed together with her for one year. I wanted to make my relationship halaal but I did one mistake by not telling her that I was married with 2 kids.

After 3 months she got to know that I was married and she wanted a divorce. Now she wants a divorce and is not ready to live with me. Everyday she argues and fights with me.

So I told her to take divorce but she was not ready. Now what do I have to do. She is not easy to live with anymore and not ready to divorce. 

Paying back a loan in a different currency

Q: I gave a loan of 200 dollars to my friend a few years ago. I had these dollars from my aunt who gave them to me to deposit in my bank account. Now my friend is returning the amount to me but there is an issue, at that time it was equal to 105 Pakistani rupees per dollar... now it is 141 Pakistani rupees per dollar. 

At what rate should he return this amount to me? If I take it at 141 rupees, he will have to pay extra (from 105/$ to 141/$) to make it equal to 200 dollars and if I take money it at the rate of 105 per dollar I will get a lesser amount. Kindly guide me what to do.

Repenting for committing zina with one's sister

Q: One of my friends whom I know for years told me an upsetting story.

His story was that he had committed fornication with his sister when he was 12 or 13 years old. Now that he is 20 years old, and knows what he has done, he is worrying every second and regretting his life. He says that his conscious does not let him live and he has no hope to be forgiven by Allah. What is your kind directions to him?

Making second jamaat in the sehen of the musjid

Q: In some masjids, there is a seperate entrance, like a connecting room, before the main praying hall, where people keep their shoes. The doors of the masjid first open into this entrance, and then there is another door to the main praying hall where the imam leads the salaah. Often this area is carpetted for praying. Is it allowed to make a second congregation (jamaat) in this entrance?