Kaffarah for breaking one's oath

Q: I have taken an oath in the name of Allah never to watch TV or movies if my father's blood report comes normal. Alhamdulillah his blood report came normal. A few days back one of my friend's showed me a movie trailer, I told him before that I've made niyyat not to watch TV and movies but he was unaware that day and I coudn't say no to him and unintentionally I wacthed the movie trailer

1. Does my oath still remain? If not, what kaffarah do I have to pay?

2. Does my oath still remain if I broke it or do I have to retake it?

3. I unintentionally broke it but I am scared of my wrongdoing that Allah will punish my father, how do I repent it?

Will hurmat-e-musaaharah become established through shaking hands with an old woman?

Q: If a person has a stomach issue, when he eats spicy or high calories foods, he gets some white drops coming out from his penis in a normal state without any errection or lust. Now if he shakes hands with an old woman without any lust or erection, will this be hurmat?

Please note that there is no lust or erection for this old lady. The person has a stomach heat problem because of which he gets these drops when he eats spicy food.

Drug addict leading taraweeh salaah

Q: I want to know something about drugs. I will be leading taraweeh for the first time this year. Unfortunately, I am in the grasp of drugs. Is it true that if I take them within 40 days of Ramadhaan, the taraweeh I lead will not count?

Also, does this apply to drugs other than marijuana, like molly, cocaine, and lsd?

Please take into account that I am trying to stop, but slowly as the withdrawal effect is immensely strong.