Forgetting how many rakaats one performed


1. I usually take the least number of rakaats when I totaly get confused in the number of rakaats of salaah and complete my salaah. I don't sit for tashahud in every rakaat in this case but I do sajda e sahw in the end after reciting tashahud by saying salaam to the right side and then two prostration of forgetfulness and again tashahud then durood and dua and then salaam to right and left. Is this the right way?

2. If not, what is the ruling on my previous salaah?

3. If it is wrong what is the right procedure?


Q: In which tasbeeh do we have to recite durood, "Tawakkaltu alal hayyillazee la yamutu walhamdulillahillazee lam yattahiz waladan walam yakun lahu shareekun filmulki walam yakun lahu waliyyun minazzulli wa kabbirhu takbeera"

For this tasbeeh, do we need to recite durood before and after. Please guide me how to recite this tasbeeh and how to make dua.

Some partners taking more benefit than others in a property

Q: A family buy a property. In this property, some of the same family members, who bought the property, reside and some do not.

Because some family members are taking benefit from this house and some are not, do those who are taking benefit have to pay rent to those who are not? If those who are residing in the property have to pay rent, how will the rent be calculated?

Gender identity dysphoria

Q: I know someone who has been disgnosed with gender identity dysphoria. In this condition, one feels like the oppostie gender ever since they get into their senses and its caused during pregnancy inside the womb. When the baby is developing, some hormones are released which causes the coding of the mind of the child to be of the other gender. Such kids from childhood feel like the other gender and they also try to commit suicide. It's a medically caused condition by hormones and it is also in their genes. Is it accepted in Islam because it's a disease?

Wearing an ihraam where parts of the skin is visible

Q: Zaid has a towel ihraam which is made in such a way that there are very small holes in the ihraam cloth. When wearing the ihraam, little skin is visible from the holes. Zaid prayed salaah, did his umrah and Hajj with the above mentioned ihraam on. According to Shariah is his salaah, umrah and Hajj valid? If it isn't valid, what should be done to compensate?

Transporting alcohol

Q: I am a truck driver, doing deliveries and pickups mostly all day. Today I was asked to pick a load from a brewery, which is alcohol. I asked the management to change it because I am a Muslim and not allowed to deal with alcohol. Its been two hours and I am sitting in my truck waiting for the decision to be made by management, which can be mean that I could be fired or forced to go home. Kindly let me know if I am allowed to haul alcohol or not, particularly in my case.