Convincing one's parents that one wishes to study something Islamically beneficial

Q: I want to pursue a career that is more or entirely Islamically alligned but my parents want me to pursue architecture in which I have little to no interest especially as it is not Islamically beneficial (except obeying my parents). I can convince my parents and they will accept but they will not accept very happily. What should I choose?

Taking up a profession that requires drawing pictures of animate objects

Q: Can I give an entry test of an architecture university that might require to draw a face. And, can I practice for doing that beforehand. The university would also teach sculpture, art, etc. in the first year and I might be (or might definitely) be required to draw/sculpt faces and other things, etc. What is the ruling on this?

The grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) being greater than the Arsh of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Can you please clarify this view mentioned in (Manasik of Mulla Ali al-Qari, p. 531-532)

"The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) is the best and most beloved of all creation, thus even the place where his body rests was given this status that it became the most virtuous of places, even greater than the Arsh."

Is this the view of the Deobandi Ulama and those of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah? I am very confused. How can the grave of Nabi (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) be greater than the Arsh of Allah ?

Fear for jinn

Q: Is it right to fear jinns because I always see people get very scared about them and wear 'taweez' (surahs written on folded paper), especially in the Indian subcontinent. But the jinns are not as supreme creatures as humans. Though I believe in them, I never fear them, actually I don't care about them. Am I doing right?