Women in haidh entering Aqsa courtyard

Q: Can a woman in menstruation (haidh) enter the Masjid al-Aqsa compound? This is a compound surrounded by walls which contains several buildings such as the Dome of the Rock, Masjid al-Qibli, etc. Is the entire compound counted as the masjid (meaning that woman in menstruation can't enter) or is just the buildings counted as masjid and the rest as courtyard (which a woman in menstruation can enter)?

Marrying a chaste person after committing zina

Q: I am born a Muslim but I got distracted at some point in my life and commited adultery with my ex boyfriend. However I got married last year with a virgin man. I did not repent before getting married because I did not realize that it had to be done. I have been realising my mistakes lately and I cannot tell you how ashamed I am of my past. I repented to Allah several times after marriage. 

Now I got to know that in the Quran it is mentioned that a fornicator cannot marry a pure man. I have also read that the scholars say that if a person repents, only then can they marry a pure man. As I have mentioned that I have repented from my heart and I still am repenting but it is after marriage.

Will my marriage still be valid? Or do I need to renew the marriage contract? My husband doesn’t know about my past. Please let me know what should I do now?

Participating in the Hindu Holi festival


1. I read online that if one plays holi (hindu festival) then they are out of the fold of Islam. Is this true?

2. What if one is walking, not intending to play holi, just going out for work or leisure and colour is thrown on them. Are they out of the fold of Islam?

3. I also read that if one prefers holi or thinks it's fun, etc., then it takes one out of the fold of Islam and their nikah will be nullified, is this true?

4. Does just merely thinking this take the person out of Islam and is their nikah nullified?

5. Does just thinking holi is fun or wanting to play it but actually don't play it as they know it is a kuffar thing, are they out of the fold of Islam and is their nikah nullified?

The person would never actually play holi as they know it is against Islam. They just want to know if they just think it's fun, etc. what affect would it have.

Spending on one's family with the intention of sadaqah

Q: My friend is about to undergo surgery and prior to surgery, she wants to give sadaqah to her metarnal grandmother as she is needy too.

Whatever is spent on one's family is the best sadaqah but we never intend to count it as sadaqah before spending. We just simply fulfill their needs. Can we make the niyyat of sadaqah before spending on my children, husband or other family members?