Brown discharge before the days haidh


1. I get my menstrual cycle on the 25th or 26th of every month... but before my menstrual cycle begins... when I'm not bleeding yet... on the 22nd or 23rd, I secrete a brown discharge. Can I read my salaah?

2. If during Zuhr Salaah I get this brown discharge, should I only omit my Zuhr Salaah and continue reading Asr or should I leave out the remaining salaahs for the rest of the day?

Thinking of death

Q: For the past couple of days, I have been going out of my mind. I feel that my death is near. I have bad anxiety and panic attacks thinking about my death. I constantly feel like my death is today or tomorrow. And each day I think it’s my last. I can’t eat, sleep or even look after my child. My heart is throbbing and I am constantly crying.

Is this a sign and a way for me to get closer to Allah properly? Or are these actuall signs that I will die today or tomorrow or soon!

I also understand that death should be a reminder for me to do good but it shouldn’t make me go crazy right?

Overcoming depression

Q: I'm a 20 year old boy. I struggle very much with depression and anxiety. I do not feel that I can manage anything in my life. I do poorly at school and struggle socially. I pray everyday and make dua but do not feel happiness or peace, and it has made me feel hopeless. It would be a great help if you could give me  some tips.

Modifying products and selling them

Q: I am a product designer. I got an offer from a company. The new company buys good from China, modify the logo, colour, etc. and sell it in the European market. Among the things they buy mostly, are speakers, mobile phone accessories, and also musical instruments that include a guitar, or a drumkit.

My job is to suggest a colour and finish to the goods if required. Apart from that, the core business of the company is - it manufactures audio speakers (its own) and also synthesizers, guitar distortion units, and mixers. However I will not have anything to do with the core business department. My department is only concerned with sourcing goods from China, modifying it a little if required and selling it. Kindly give me your opinion if it is halaal or haraam.

Listening to the Quraan Majeed while studying

Q: I want to know if I can listen to the Quraan-e-Kareem via handsfree while studying or before sleeping as I live in a hostel and there used to be a lot of noise. Before that, I used to listen to music but now I know that music is haraam and the devil's Quraan. Therefore, I want to quit listening to music but please advise me if I can listen to the Quraan while studing and before sleeping via handsfree?

Trustees selling a flat that was purchased for Imaam's accommodation

Q: The trustees of a Musallaa (Jamaat Khana) purchased a flat as the Imaam's accommodation. The Imaam no longer wants to use the flat and has decided to arrange his own accommodation. The trustees would like to let the Muazzin use the flat as his accommodation. However, according to the building rules no more than 3 persons may live in the flat, whereas the Muazzin has a family of 5.

Can the trustees sell the flat and use the money to purchase an alternate flat as accommodation for the muazzin? (The flat is a share block.)