Helping a non-mahram woman

Q: Is it allowed to protect a helpless, na-mahram female?

For example, at school, if some children plan to throw something (for instance, a bottle or a ball) on a specific na-mahram girl who doesn't have a guardian at school (such as an elder brother or the like), nor has the confidence to take action against theses stupid boys (after the incident happens), firstly, would it be permissible for one to protect her from this (there are no elders one can turn to at that exact moment, because the deed would be done by the time one involves an adult into this matter)?

Secondly, would it still be permissible for a na-mahram to defend her even if he has feelings for her?

Total number of rakaats in the Fardh, Sunnat and Nafil of Zuhr Salaah

Q: Could you please specify how to read all the rakaats of Zuhr Salaah:

E.g. Zuhr - Four Sunnah (Surah Faatihah and a Surah in all four rakaats) then four fardh (Surah Faatihah and a Surah in the first two and in the second two, only Surah Faatihah), then is two Sunnah (Surah Faatihah and a Surah in both rakaats) and last for Zuhr is two nafl (Surah Faatihah and a Surah in both rakaats).

Husband working abroad

Q: I live in another country due to work. I can afford to look after my family but due to my parents and other family members I am forced to stay abroad and work to save money. My wife is not happy living separate. If I bring my wife here, I'm afraid my parents will get angry on me. What should I do in this situation?

Urine drops while performing saee

Q: I have illness of urine drops and I am in umrah. During umrah, after I completed my tawaaf and went to saee, I feel drops come out on my ihraam. After I completed 1 round of saee, I went to the washroom to wash my ihraam. I made wuzu and again went for saee and started again from my second round and completed it. Is my saee valid?

Taking an oath on anyone besides Allah Ta'ala

Q: I just came to know yesterday that taking a qasam of ghairullah (anyone besides Allah) is not allowed in Islam.

I don't remember taking a qasam of ghairullah but I have a doubt that years ago I might have asked someone in texting to take a qasam of his mother and he refused to take it. I was ignorant about it. What should I do now?

Is asking someone to take qasam of his mother is also sin? although he refused to take it.