Living separately from in-laws

Q: Before my husband and I made nikaah, we discussed financial issues like whether I would need to work, if we would be a 2 income household, the rental and expenses we would need to pay, etc. He told me confidently that I can work if I wanted to although not necessary. (I work for my father in a secluded office) and that he would give me money for the household expenses such as fuel, groceries, etc. He also told me that we would be living in a flat that his parents owned and that there would be no need to pay rental.

A week before the nikaah, his parents had told him that the flat did not belong to them and that we must move into a flat and pay a ridiculous amount of rental for it in a complex that they also live in. My parents in law are very well off alhumdulillah, my husband has 2 sisters, both of which are married and both of which dont pay any rental and in fact live in luxury homes provided by his parents. Their families live off from my father in law. I am not comparing myself to them because I feel that we both need to work hard for what we earn. 

Recently I fell pregnant. I had to cut down on my job owing to complications. There was a rental increase and therefore I get no money from my husband to cover household expenses. We decided to speak to my parents in law regarding this and they forbade us from moving away into a cheaper rental flat as they hinted at the fact that we are ungrateful (even though we dont take money from them) and that it is my husbands duty to look after them.

I will never question our duty to our parents, no amount of what we do will ever be enough for them. However, does duty only fall upon the son or is it all the siblings responsibility? Do we have the right to move out as it is hurting our relationship by creating a conflict between us as husband and wife? Please keep in mind that his mother asks our front guard when I enter and leave my house, her maid sometimes enters my house when I'm not there, she stores all her unwanted goods in my garage and doesn't treat me very well and sometimes has nasty things to say to me and this makes me very bitter towards my husband as well. What can I do moving forward?

Daughter supporting her parents

Q: A daughter does not feel like respecting her parents due to their irresponsible nature. I am very sorry for the long email but I really need to know. If a father doesn't give enough money for his wife and children to live, to study, for marriage, etc. and they have to beg by their relatives, will the father be sinful?

If the same father and his wife don't want to get their son married because they think that they may get poor, because their son doesn't have any income but the son is involved in a haraam relationship, in this case, will the parents be sinful?

The sister of that son is trying hard to arrange for her brother's marriage, but their parents are not helping at all. Their mother is not interested anymore. That son is too lazy to do any work but his mother always supports all his negative activities from childhood. If the sister protests, mother becomes very angry with her.

The sister is giving huge amounts of money to her parents. The parents have no home, so she bought a home for them from her husband's money. That's why her husband is mostly rude to her. She was helpless, and it was necessity to buy a home for her parents. Her parents always want money from their daughter but her husband doesn't want to give any more money.

In this case, what is the solution? Should she respect and support her mother even if her mother is not following any Islamic instructions? 

Dissecting human corpses

Q: In Islam, is it permissible for a person to become a doctor?  To become a doctor, one will have to carry out many haraam acts e.g. dissecting cadavers (corpses), etc. Since mutilating a corpse is haraam, will becoming a doctor also be haraam?

Conducting tests on animals

Q: I am a medical scientist working in a research facility. Our work is to develop new medications and treatments for various diseases.

When we need to test a certain medication to see its effectiveness, side effects, etc, we use lab rats as our test specimens. We first infect the rat with the disease and then inject it with the medication to see the result. In some cases, other animals are used as well.

Recently, this began to bother me, as I realised that we are abusing and harming these creatures. However, we have to test the medications on some subject, and we obviously cannot do so on people. What should we do?

Cutting off ties with one's daughter who lives as a non-Muslim

Q: My daughter left our home 4 years ago to live with her father who is a murtad. This was done without my knowledge or consent. Subsequently the step mother had been raising her and introduced her to a Christisian lifestyle. We tried to prevent this and get her to move back home where we are Muslim. The law enforcement informed me that I would be charged with kidnapping if I was to remove her from their house as she was already 18 years old.

Throughout these 4 years she has lived the life of a Christian and has tattoos on her body. I have chosen to not be in contact with her as she refused to change her ways as she was raised in a Muslim household. I have 3 younger children and feel that my attention should be with them.

Recently I was informed that she had fallen pregnant by a Christian guy who she lives with and subsequently the baby has died.

My family are now blaming me even though I've tried my outmost to make her understand that the lifestyle and choices she made is against our religion. Certain family members are going behind my back to support her even though they know she is living as a Christian.

Can I have advice on this matter as my other kids are suffering because of all the stress this child has brought to my family.