Network marketing

Q: I have a question relating to network marketing.

I am a neolife distributor and I sell the products as well as recruit people under me, thus growing my team. I therefore earn based on their sales as well as my own.

My question is whether this is allowed by the shariah. Is the income earned from what they sell and thus contributing to my points and therfore my position within the company e.g. Senior manager, Halaal income?

Meaning of Hadith where people will give testimony before they are asked for it

Q: What is the signification in the following narration about:"They will give testimony before they are even asked for it.”

Imran ibn Husayn (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrated that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said:

“The best of people are my generation, then those who follow them. Then, after them a people will come who increase in fatness, loving fatness. They will give testimony before they are even asked for it.” (Jami’ Tirmidhi)?

Buying a cheaper ticket and showing the company a higher price

Q: I'm going to my home country on vacation from Saudi Arabia and my company is giving me an air ticket of 2090 Saudi Riyals. I told them that I will buy it myself.

If I buy a cheap ticket in a less privileged airline and show them an invoice of a privileged airline, the same that the company was supposed to buy for me. Kindly tell me if it is okay or the surplus money will be haraam.

Deducting debts when calculating zakaat

Q: I am trying to understand a masala. For example:

Zaid takes a loan of $5,000 from his brother, and his brother tells him to pay $200/month, but Zaid doesn't pay every single month, but on and off. Would it be necessary to deduct however much money Zaid owes his brother of that loan when calculating Zakat or Zaid will not deduct anything because his brother is not asking for the money?

At the same time, Zaid's brother did not verbally mention to him that he has pardoned the debt. Would qiyas—here— be made on مهر مؤجل, in terms of it not being deducted because of عدم المطالبة عادة