Gifting one's divorced daughter more than the other daughters

Q: I have four daughters. Three of them are married and the youngest one is a student. Out of all four, one married daughter was separated (got Khula) and is living with her parents (me and my wife) along with her daughter (my grand-daughter). Please guide me:

If I sell my house wherein we are living, can I gift 50% of the cost of the house to my seperated (Khulah yafta) daughter in my life?

Taking a fee for providing a service

Q: My husband knows some people who makes cards for work. They asked him to get people who want cards. If people go by themselves, they have to pay 80£ to do the test. If they fail the test they not going to get the card. But if you pay more, they can get the card for you without doing the test and you have to pay around 200£.

So my husband gets people and tells them it's 300£ for the cards. He takes them to get the cards and explains everything to them. He takes the money and pays 200£ to the people making the cards and takes 100£ for himself. Is this halal or is it a kind of riba? 

Compatibility between spouses in a secret nikaah

Q: One of my friend proposed me 2 years back. I liked him from the beginning but I had a firm mindset that if my parents agree then we'll get married otherwise not. During the summer holidays I went back home and told my parents about him and they both said no. I thought that if they meet him once, they might change their mind. I told my brothers about him, they met him and they both said that he is a pious person with good character but if dad has said no then its a NO. Then I told my friend that my parents refused.

We had a few fights but we again became friends. 2 months back I started spending more time with him as I lost almost all my other friends but we always tried our best to maintain a halal distance. He started mentioning about the secret nikah here and there. Everytime he did, I got annoyed at him and told him not to think about it.

One day he said that either we do nikah or our friendship will be over forever. I said that if you want to finish the freindship then go ahead... bear in mind that at that time I was going through a tough time and depression and loneiness.

After a couple of days I went to him and said to him that I'm ready for the nikah. We did nikah in the presence of 2 witnesses who were both Muslim and mature.

My question is, according to the Hanafi fatwa "a mature girl can give herself in marriage without walis consent in the presence of 2 witnesses but the both boy and girl should be of same "social status".

That boy is African and I'm Pakistani. Do you think that the 2nd part of the fatwa in anyway nullifies the nikah or makes it invalid?

Arranged marriages

Q: If a non Muslim asks us how can we just marry someone we don't know, like without speaking to the person or only seeing them once and then deciding that's the person you want to spend your life with, whats a good answer to give?

Feeling despondent due to duas not being fulfilled

Q: I have been feeling very low on imaan lately. I have been praying for something very specific for the last 3 years but it is not getting fulfilled. No doubt Allah knows best and has the best for us in store but one question that keeps me anxious all day is that, what have I done to earn the annoyance of Allah and not even get one namaz, surah or even a sujood accepted that I have been praying for that purpose. 

Bay'us salam (forward sale)

Q: When Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) came to Madina, the people used to pay in advance the price of dates to be delivered within two or three years. He said (to them), ‘Whoever pays in advance the price of a thing to be delivered later should pay it for a specified measure at specified weight for a specified period’”(Bukhari no: 2239).

I read this quotation in a book. Can I know how it is done according to mazhab of Shaafee?