Fear of committing kufr

Q: I am getting married and I am worried about Imaan and kufr. Since I heard that nikah will be nullified if one of the two did kufr, what precautions should one take?

Is it kufr to like kuffaar daily life ways? E.g. If someone wears kuffar clothes like pants and shirt, if we praise that person by saying that they are looking pretty in this dress, so is this kufr? There are many kuffaar thing which people have adopted nowadays and my husband to be is a duniyadar. Please guide. 

Marrying a man who touched one's mother with lust

Q: I got a proposal from a good, religious man. Ten years ago he once touched my mothers hand with a sinful/lustful intention not more than that. And my mom did not get to know about his intentions. He immediately repented and did not do that again. At that time he didn't know that he will be proposing to me.

If I marry this person, will our marriage be valid or not. It happened ten years ago. Also, now everyone knows that I'm getting married to him and it's so hard to leave each other and to convince our families. 

Doubting if one experienced a wet dream

Q: In Behashti Zewar by Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (rahmatullahi alaihi) there are conditions for ghusl if we find the wetness after waking up. The conditions are based on if a person remember a wet dream or if a person doesn't remember a wet dream.

1. If a person is doubtful about having a wet dream, very confused about a wet dream or not then in this situation which conditions should one follow?

2. Does being doubtful about having a wet dream come under the situation where a person doesn't remember having a wet dream?