Meaning of the dua of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) about living poor

Q: The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) made dua: "O Allaah, cause me to live poor and cause me to die poor, and gather me among the poor on the Day of Resurrection". He (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) also also said: "The poor will enter Jannah 500 years before the rich." However on the other hand, Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) made dua: "O Allah give me the best of this world and the best of the hereafter," and they also said "Seek refuge with Allah from poverty, want and humiliation, and from wronging others or being wronged.

My question is that should we make dua from Allah to make us live poor and die poor so that we enter 500 years before the majority of the ummah?

Making wudhu with eyeliner

Q: I did ghusl and wudu and prayed salah. After salah I realized I had some black residue on my eyebrows and a little on my eyelid and eye (residue for all areas mentioned was eyeliner) but this wasn't clearly visable. Even though I washed my face several times also the head area so I assumed everything was washed off. I am now concerned whether my prayer has been invalid. 

Saying talaaq by the slip of the tongue without the intention of talaaq


1. My wife and I had an argument. I went to the bathroom to do wudu. In my mind I was thinking of her abusive words and imagining we are sitting with a family regarding our fighting in future. And she is using same abusive words. In answer to that in my mind I was saying "Mei tumhe". That was just in my mind. Then in this absent minded state, right after I uttered "Talaq deta hun". I held my tongue realizing what just happened with slip of tongue. I never even had intention of pronouncing this word. I can swear by anything that I did not even have intention of pronouncing it. But it happened with absent minded slip of tongue while thinking/imagining about it in future. Please let me know if one talaq counted.

2. Similar question but in my case there was no anger and no fight. I was alone and completely fine. My wife was not present. It just slipped out because I was thinking about the subject of divorce and I did not even think about my wife. Suddenly this thought came of her and I said the words "aap ko talaaq ho".. if I didnt have the intention to say these words or to divorce my wife what is the ruling?

3. Also, once in anger she wrote in an sms "bye" to which I in an instant replied "bye bye bye" but had no intention of divorce. Does that also count as divorce? 

Qasar salaah during hajj

Q: Questions related to qasar salaah during Haj:

1. As per hanafi mazhab, if a person stays for 15 days or more in Makkah before leaving for Mina, Arafat, etc, he should perform full salah in Makkah, Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa and back in Makkah. Is my understanding correct?

2. Once we leave our city boundaries, we will offer qasar salaah until we reach our destination. After reaching our destination we should calculate the number of days that we stay. Is this correct?

3. Should the 15 day calculation start when we start from home or once we reach our destination?

4. We had a total of 40 days stay. Aug 4th we started from home, reached Makkah on 5th around 00:00. 5th to 18th we were in Makkah. 19th before fajr we were in Mina. 19-23 were Haj days. 24th Aug to 4th Sep back in Makkah. 5th to 14th Sep in Madina. Performing Qasar is correct in all places?