Zakaat on money loaned to people

Q: I am a married woman. I work from home giving extra lessons. I have loaned most of my savings money to family members. (interest free)

Do I need to pay zakaat on this money that I have loaned them?

Since I do not have much savings left; if I cannot afford the zakaat amount; will I have to sell my jewellery from my mother and my wedding jewellery to pay it?


Q: Nowadays, there are many arguments about three talaaqs and halaalah. The problem is that most people do not have the correct understanding about three talaaqs and halaalah. Can you please enlighten us in this regard?

Fear of breaking an oath

Q: Someone lost money and I found it. They said that I should keep it. I said "wallahi I'm not gonna take it"Their intention was to keep it as a gift. After I gave it to them they gave it to me to put in the sadaqah tin. Because I took it in my hand do I have to give kafaraah? My intention when I said "wallahi I wont take it" I meant as a gift.