Dua after Janaazah Salaah

Q: Can you please explain to me the shar’ee ruling regarding making dua after the janaazah salaah? In certain places, after the janaazah salaah is performed, I see people raise their hands and engage in collective dua for the deceased.

Is this practice established in the Hadith? Some people try to prove the practice of collective dua after the janaazah salaah through the following Hadith. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said,

إذا صليتم على الميت فأخلصوا له الدعاء (سنن أبي داود رقم 3199)

“When you perform janaazah salaah upon any deceased, then sincerely make dua for him.”

Does this Hadith refer to making dua for the deceased after janaazah salaah or does it refer to making dua for the deceased in the janaazah salaah?

Forfeiting one's holiday if it is not taken in a certain time

Q: I am working for a Muslim family in their warehouse for more than 5 years. I have never been on holiday nor been paid for working in the holiday. When I asked them they told me that my 5 year holidays were gone (as per the law in our country). I know that by Allah, no right can be lost.

Note: Over these 5 years I thought I don't have a right of holiday as I work a few hours a week. No one from this family told me that I have a right for holiday. 

Closing the doors and covering food at night

Q: I have a question about sunan actions to do in the evening. I know it is recommended to close the doors saying Bismillah, cover the food and drinks, turn off the fire for example in the stove or in the fireplace, when it falls in the evening.

But I have a practical doubt: doors should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time? And the food and the drinks should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time?

I ask this because on some sites I read conflicting versions, some say before, others later, others still say to do these actions after a portion of the night has passed. Maybe all these versions are right, but I do not know. Please clarify.

How to get motivated to start performing salaah regularly

Q: For as long as I can remember I've never prayed regularly. Now I'm starting to realize my mistake and I want to start praying regularly. Whenever I pray, I don't get the satisfactory feeling that I'm hoping to get.

Could you please tell me how can I start praying regularly? Is there any dua for it? How to get protection from Shaytan so that he doesn't hinder in my salah? I really want to start praying 5 times a day.

Discussing questions related to Deen with a non-Muslim

Q: If a non-Muslim is arguing with me that the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran might be added or written by Muslims themselves after the discovery of different things such as the creation of the universe (big bang mentioned in the Quran) then few years later Muslims added new things such as the creation of humans etc. in the Quran.

How can I reply to such a question by a Hindu etc.?

Will it be clear to him if I tell him that there are old Quran manuscripts preserved in museums which are 500 years old or later?

Looking at frightening pictures during pregnancy

Q: I recently found out that I am pregnant alhamdulilah and read the following on a website:

“During pregnancy frightening pictures of deformed children or animals should not be seen. One should look at beautiful children, flowers and should smell beautiful fragrances.”

I am an occupational therapist and daily interact with those who have various physical and mental disabilities whom I try to help by providing therapy so that they are able to engage in everyday activities independently.

Should I therefore stop working and providing therapy while I am pregnant and will I it affect my baby?

Using sex toys

Q: I have some doubts about some sex toys. My wife loves foreplay and for that I bought a love egg vibrator (internal) and a g spot vibrator (partially internal). Now I want to know if thats allowed? Please note that this is not a substitute, it's only for foreplay.

Zakaat on an undistributed estate

Q: My dad passed away few days back. He left some property and valuables which my family (mother, brother and sisters) do not want to distribute for the time being. Now, how do we calculate zakaat on the property since the purchase price is known but the market price varies.

Do we have to pay zakaat on the house in which we are living?

My dad's office is still open but no major work is taking place since my dad was in a partnership with my uncle and he had given all his business (not office) to him and my uncle is working from there. I used to visit the office on a daily basis for a few minutes and then left for my office. So, do we have to pay zakaat on it also? 

We are using my dad's cars and other belongings of my dad, do we have to pay zakaat on these items and what value?

Also, we are giving charity from his belongings but which has more reward, sadaqah or khairaat?