Performing the sunnah salaah once the salaah time enters

Q: In Ssaudi the Adhaan is given at the very moment the salah time enters. In India, except for maghrib, there is a delay in the Adhaan being given for all the other 4 salah. The delay varies from places. Suppose Bangalore Asr time sets in at 4.04 pm but Adhaan is called at 4.30 and jamaat starts at 4.45 pm.

My question is, should the sunnah be offered after Adhaan or can one offer the sunnah once the time of the salah enters even before the Adhaan is called out?

Taking a loan from a bank and getting an employee to write off the loan

Q: I know someone working at the Federal Bank. He says that he can help open my doors with a higher loan amount. Once he gives me the loan amount, the money can be paid by the insurance of the bank and I don't have to pay anything towards the loan. He is basically squashing my money so the insurance can pay the bank back. If this was the case, I could open up plenty musjids and pay for the poor with loan amounts from the bank and the insurance of the bank will just pay the banks back. There is a saying that  money is the root to all evil and alot of people are doing this. It sounds corrupt but I require a Mufti's advice.

Road Accident Fund

Q: This is a follow up question on the Road Accident Fund question:  

The court orders the RAF to pay interest (which is not interest according to Shari’ah) for late payment of the R100 000. Because the RAF paid 6 months later, the plaintiff received R100 000 from the RAF plus an additional amount (over and above the R100 000) for late payment as per court order.

This ‘extra interest amount’ (which is not interest money according to the Shari’ah) which is received from the Road Accident Fund, can it be classified as ta’zeer bil maal (monetary penalty)? If it is ta’zeer bil maal then is this extra amount permissible to use?