Taking an animate picture out of necessity

Q: I heard that photos of animate objects are prohibited. Now I am preparing for a lawsuit against my landlord to get my rights back and the court needs evidence. I need a cleaning receipt to back my words but the receipt contains a human animate picture. This receipt is from a large cleaning company and can only be accessed online and I must take a screenshot (like photo). I heard under necessity haram things become permissible and to defend property is a necessity? Can I take the photo? If not I fear that my argument could be very weak and more injustice can be done to me as a tenant. 

Discharge during haidh

Q: I have two questions pertaining discharge during haidh.

1. I thought I had released discharge and went to check but when I wiped, it felt pretty dry and all i saw on the paper was slight dampness. the discharge i had prior to this was discoloured, so i believed im still in hayd. can i assume that the dampness i saw was normal dampness and that im still in hayd?

2. In another incident today, after i was done relieving myself and i washed myself, i wiped where my discharge comes out to check and i didnt really see proper discharge - all i saw on the paper i wiped with was dampness/wetness. can i assume that what i saw is just water from istinja?

Musaafir flying over his hometown

Q: If a musaafir, during his safar from Joburg to Umzinto (supposing Umzinto has an airport), flies over his hometown (Watn-e-Asli), Overport. While flying over Overport, will it be regarded as though he entered his hometown and his safar ended? Since the distance between Overport and Umzinto is not safar distance, if the time of Asar Salaah enters, will he read Qasar Salaah?

Remaining silent behind the Imaam

Q: I have a question regarding joining the jamaat for salah late. What is the ruling regarding the situation if I join the jamaat while it was in qiyam. And soon after my joing the jamaat (after 2-3 secs) the Imam goes into ruku. I didn't get enough time to recite surah fatiha. Will I get that rakat as I couldn't recite the Fatiha or I need to repeat it by myself after tasleem of Imam?