How much longer should the first rakaat of salaah be?

Q: I know that one should read longer Qiraat in the first rakat than the second rakat and that one should not skip an in-between Surah between rakats unless the rakat one skips is long. This applies to Fard salaah. My questions are:

1. What is meant by "long" Qiraat? Is this the number of lines or the number of ayaat?

2. Does the Qiraat have to get progressively shorter for the nafl and Sunnah rakats of Sunnat-e-Muakkadah and Sunnat-e-Ghair-Muakkadah as well?

3. Can you skip an in-between Surah in the Nafl and Sunnah salaah?

Working on a search engine for Quraan translations

Q: What is the ruling for a software developer who receives a project in which he/she has to apply algorithms on a data set i.e. Qura'nic verses' translation. Lemmtatization,tokenization, stemming and bag of words techniques will be applied on translation in order to get the following result example:

First if one wants to search any masla from the Qur'an regarding a rukoo in namaz, the software will show the verses translation related to the rukoo in namaz only. Is it permissible for one to work on such project?

Reciting the “daal” in “wa lad-daaalleen” for less than 6 seconds

Q: I heard that when reading Surah Fatihah, you need to make the sound of the “dal” in “wa lad-daaalleen” longer, till 6 seconds. However, it is difficult for me to count how many seconds and often I finish it in 3 second or so. Is my prayer valid even if I do it deliberately because I can’t count seconds when reciting?