Words that do not constitute talaaq

Q: I have a few questions regarding whether talaq takes place in these circumstances.

1. If a person says 'Recharge' or 'Macho' aloud with the intention of divorce, does this count.

2. I was uttering 'Salamu-alaykum' repeatedly with no intention. On the last time, when I reached 'alaykum' the thought and intention to divorce came to me. Does this take place?

Married girl getting married to someone else

Q: A girl's father made her nikkah to a guy. She wasn't in the nikkah. She made her father her representative. After nikkah she wasn't living with the guy. She was still living at her father's house. Few months later she came to know that the guy is not good so she decided to break the nikkah. But her father said there was no nikkah done. After that she got married to another guy and now she is living with him. But one of her relatives is saying that her nikkah was held at that time and now she has done nikkah over nikkah. Now theres confusion about her nikkah whether it was done or not. She is now married to another guy. Is she doing zina? Is that nikkah valid? She can't even get divorced from that guy she left because these people have become their enemies.

Earning as an occupational therapist

Q: I am interested in being an Occupational Therapist, and I am a Muslim male. Occupational Therapy is a female-dominated profession, with about 90 percent being females. The nature of the profession involves helping people of all ages who have disabilities regain independence so they can do things they used to do, such as work and play. In Occupational Therapy school, I will be required to touch both males and females on the arms, legs, back, and shoulders for practice. Then when I begin working I will be required to treat both male and female patients. Treating them would require contact with the opposite gender, usually on the hand, back, shoulder, and arm on a regular basis. Would this job be considered halal since I am not doing any touching involving lust, but rather for work and to make the patient better? Or would it be haram in all cases and should I find another profession? By the way, my parents really want me to do it - they are also Muslims but not very religious. 

Using medication with animal derivatives

Q: Is it permissible to buy and use a medicated cream for acne that contains animal derived ingredients? I am not sure what animal they are derived from. This cream appears to have worked very efficiently for many people with acne however there is no guarantee that it will work for me as well, but there is a very high likelihood that it will. I will simple put it on my acne then wash it off a few minutes later. Nothing else has worked for me and finding halal creams are difficult as it is. Is this permissible?

Being honest

Q: I work in sheltered housing for the elderly. A resident passed away and I found in cash 19,140 pounds. If I wanted, I could have kept the money but I gave it to the authorities so he can have a funeral and pay his debts and the rest can go to his family. I am need of money, like 4,000 pounds but I still did not take the money. Some relatives and work colleagues are calling me an idiot, as he was dead and a non Muslim and I need the money. Plus they saying that it would not be a sin but my heart is at peace. I want to know if what I did was right?

Taking a loan from the bank to pay off other debts

Q: I’m in a deep and serious problem with which I need some guidance. I’m in a deep debt, owing few private individuals money and I’m owing the bank also. I’ve realized the evil of riba and sincerely made and continue making taubah and asking Allah to for help to come out of debt.

Currently I’m paying little here and there just so that I pay the monthly installments as not to get into problems. Now the main concern is the private individuals are putting pressure that they need their money and I’m unable to pay them.

My question is:

Can I take another loan from the bank (as it is I am already in riba owing the bank) to pay the private individuals so that I will have only 1 debt after that and I can concentrate nicely and try as quick as possible to pay that amount off.

The way it is, paying little all over is not helping, it’s been carrying on like this for the past 2 years already and the loan is not coming down.