Paying off a loan after one's creditor passes away

Q: I was given money for five years investment by one of my friends but there was no written agreement. It was only verbally discussed. Now my friend passed away and he is unmarried. His family are all well off and they don't even know about this matter. I can't pay before five years but I can pay this amount in monthly installments. Can you guide me on what should I do?

Sisters claiming a share in a business

Q: Whilst my father in law was alive he had a property and business which he gave to his two sons legally. Then both brothers decided to spilt, so again legally my husband gave his brother his share and paid him out.

My father in law at that time told my husband that when he gathers enough money, he will give his seven daughters 3000 each. My father in law passed away last year. Now when giving them 3 000 the sisters are saying that they are entitled to a share in the business and property because their dad built it. Islamically are they?

Is it a requirement to go to a musjid to accept Islam?

Q: I recently was asked by a non Muslim if I can tell him the shahada to make him become Muslim because he wanted to become Muslim. So I told him the shahada in Arabic and also in English and explained what is Islam and what you should believe in to be a Muslim. He did it and he believed on what we all Muslims believe so he became Muslim.

After some time this guy asked me that someone told him that the shahada you believe and the things you believe in that the other guy told you. With that you can’t become Muslim because everything he told you is true but you must go to a masjid and repeat it with the masjid Imam so he can repeat with you then you will become Muslim. The other guy took him to a masjid and the imam repeated the same things.

My question is that is this guy became Muslim the first time I repeat the shahada with him or no he became Muslim when he met the masjid imam which one is truth  Can someone regular not an imam make someone become Muslim ? Or no only imam can make someone Muslim ? Am I sinful because I told him shahada first time and he believed it?

Appling for a job that requires medical screening

Q: I would like to ask that in armed forces screening or any other such sort of job where they need to screen you thoroughly, there is a medical stage screening where they fully uncover the applicant and the senior doctor checks him for any ailments or shortcomings that might deem him unfit. The question arise that doing such sort of uncovering of full body to a medical doctor will be permissible in shariat or not. If it is not permissible then who is sinful. Both?

Who is responsible to take care of one's old mother?

Q: I have a question which relates to taking care of my old and aged mother.

My father passed away long ago. I am the only son with three sisters. All of us are married and living separately with our families in different places. Mother is living alone in our homeland in a separate house. I am living with my family and earning my livelihood in a different country. I am the only earner for my family and for my mother. One of my sisters is also living with her family in a different country. My two sisters with their husbands and children live in the same city where my mother lives.

My mother is alone and she is managing her mandatory works like going to toilet alone, taking bath, changing clothes etc. She expresses the desire that her children should come and help her in her hour of need. Also she does not want to shift in any daughter’s house who are living in the same city nearby. I have following question to ask,

1. Who is responsible to take care of mother, myself only or my sisters or all of us.

2. If in case I am responsible, then can I make a satisfactory arrangement for my mother by keeping a maid to help her in her household works like cooking food and taking care for her other works.

3. If in the case where I am responsible, is it obligatory for me as per sharia to leave my livelihood and return back and stay with my mother and take care for her.