Finding wadi on one's ihraam and clothing during hajj

Q: When I was performing Hajj, in mina, muzdalifah and throughout that day where you stone shayateens etc... I noticed that before and after urination wadi has come out of my private part. I am also sure that wadi touches the ihraam which means that my ihraam may also be not clean during that time. I am worried that my hajj may not have been accepted or may be I have to pay for damm (hajj penalty)?

Zawaal time

Q: I reside in an area and noticed that both mussallees and trustees of the local masjid are unmindful of zawaal, this is mainly on a Juma as we come early for jumah.

I find that people are performing nafl salaah during this time including the trustees and Ulema. The other masjids that I attend during this time either put on a light or a sign that say zawal.

I would like to know the following:

Firstly when is zawaal and how long does it last for? Example the times I see on the calendar for today as well as salaah times from crescent mobile says zawal 11:59am.

Does this mean zawal sets in at this time or ends at this time?

During this time of zawal what should be done and what should not be done?

Should I bring this to the attention of the trustees and will I be accountable For this if I don't?

This has been going on for the past 3 years or so. I dont want people to be offended and neither do I want to commit any wrong actions, thus when attending this masjid I look at zawal time on my phone and as a precaution I commence my nafl salaah 10 mins after the stipulated zawal time.

Leaving one's wife and children and working abroad

Q: I am always nervous and unhappy. Never getting success in job. I work abroad in Saudi Bin Ladin co. l send money to my wife every month but she is also not happy. There is no barkat in my house and in my salary. I have 6 children, 5 daughters and one son.

My son does not listen to his mother nor respects her. Now he started smoking hukka. l am very worried about all this. Why is this happening?

Carnivores animals

Q: In the Quran 2:173 it says that Allah has "only" forbidden dead animals and pork etc. But it does not say anything about carnivores, which most scholars regard as haram but since it says "only" does that mean that there is a contradiction? Please explain.