Advertising in the newspaper and on online platforms


1. Is it permissible to advertise for my business in the newspaper?

2. Is it permissible to advertise for my business on advertising platforms like Gumtree and Junkmail? On such platforms, once a person clicks on my ad, he will not see other people’s ads. However, ads from other websites of all sorts may pop up.

3. Is it permissible to advertise for my business on Instagram? If someone has to come to my Instagram account, he will only be able to see my posts.

On all these three platforms of advertising, pictures of animate objects of all sort appear in other people’s ads. Also, some of the ads which appear are of an impermissible commodity.

Embracing a Haaji

Q: I heard that embracing one another on the two Eid occasions by the ummahs usually not done at other days is not permissible in Islam. If so, could they not permit the embracing of haajis at their arrival.

Washing impurities before putting it in a washing machine

Q: Could you please let me know if it's permissible to only remove a period stain from a bedsheet with the help of wet tissues before completely washing it in the washing machine or getting it washed from a laundry shop? Will it make the washing machine and other clothes in it najis? It's extremely difficult to wash a king size bedsheet by hand.

Using speech techniques to make one's spouse love one

Q: I would like to know if I can speak to my wife by implanting thoughts in her mind to love me without her realizing this consciously to improve my marriage. These techniques are taught in NLP Neuro-linguistic programming which teaches people how to use language to influence others by saying a sentence in a way where you are telling the mind what to do. For example, instead of saying you should love me, I said to her you can feel yourself loving me more and more now. Is this permissible for me to do?

Woolworths credit card

Q: Woolworths offer a credit card for R69 per month. The benefits are that a person gets free delivery on all orders online.

Secondly, every purchase one makes with the card accumulates 3% cash back. Would it be permissible to use this card, not earn interest nor pay interest, but use the free delivery extensively as well as the quarterly cash back.