Musaafir mistakenly performing four rakaats fardh salaah

Q: I'm little confused regarding salah which we performed during our stay in Makkah and hajj. We followed one book which had mentioned that your stay in Makkah, if less than 15 days then you should perform qasar salah. Also during hajj days if your stay till 7th Zil haj is less than 15 days you need to do qasar in hajj.

1. We started from India on 4th Aug 4pm and reached our hotel on 5th 00:30. As per booking, we calculated our stay as 14 days (5 to 18) and we had intention that on 18th night or 19th morning we will leave for Mina. We left Mina 19th morning 03:00am. We offered qasar all in Makkah and during haj. Is it correct?

2. How are 15 days calculated. Is it 24 hours *15 days?

3. If some musafir prays alone and recites all 4 rakats and after 2 days remembers he is musafir and then corrects his salah to 2 rakats. What is ruling on it?

Zakaat on money received during the year

Q: If I have 20 lakh rupees in my account at the start of the year and after completion of one year this amount is increased to 30 lakh over the last twelve months gradually on monthly savings from my source of income. To my knowledge if an amount is in my possession for one year constantly, the zakat is due on that amount, therefore I assume that I should calculate my zakat on 20 lakh because the increase in my amount is month by month and full one year has not been passed over this amount. Am I correct or I should calculate my zakat on 30 lakh?

Distributing inheritance

Q: Kindly advise on below inheritance issue:

Marhoom left behind wife, 3 sons and 4 daughters. No will, nor any wasiyyat made (written). Marhoom left cash , car and clothes, and house behind.

1. How will estate be distributed?

2. As far as qadha rozas and salaahs are concerned, how should the estate sort this out?

3. As far as any burial expenses are concerned, how should this be taken from estate?

4. If any wasiyyat was made orally, will it have any effect? E.g. this car will go to my one son. Or this house will go to my wife. (But ownership was not handed over).

Receiving extra money from the company one worked for

Q: This incident happened 10 years back.

I worked for an American company in UAE. While travelling in UAE, I billed the company for my travel expenses (as per the company policy) the bill was for 20,000 Dirhams but they transferred USD 20,000 in my account. I contacted the finance person and asked him to send the correct amount and withdraw the wrong amount. He did that, however, few days later, another USD 20,000 was deposited in my account. I contacted the bank this time but they told me it’s the correct amount as per the transfer. So I didn't do anything for 5 years. Few years back (feeling uneasy) I contacted the company again to see if they wanted their money back but I didn’t get a response. What should I do since I have already used this money? I have been giving out sadaqah with the intention of paying back this amount. Is this correct?

Meaning of "istiwaa"

Q: Is it mentioned in the Quran that Allah is above seven heavens? I know that Quran states that Allah has istiwa on Arsh but is it specifically mentioned that he is above the seven heavens?

Also when we say He is above the seven heavens does it actually mean that he has Istiwa on Arsh? Also is it permissible to say that He is above seven heavens?