Giving blood money to one's sisters who were adopted

Q: My sisters were adopted by their grandmother and according to the law they are not my sisters, and they didn’t live with us, they lived with their grandmother all their life, my mother died in a car accident and the state gave us her “Diah” as she was killed by a state agent, now the question is, my both sisters use drugs should I give them from the Diah money as inheritance and I know they will use it fir drugs or not give them?!

Extending an Islamic centre without the donor's permission

Q: We have a small Muslim Community. One brother has given his building to use as a masjid, we named this "Kendal Islamic Centre" This building will remain under his name and we can use it without restrictions of time, when we can't afford to run it or we buy another place he takes the building back. We need to do extension and some building works in this building. Are we allowed to do chanda on the name of Kendal Islamic Centre or do we need to inform the donor's about our position in regards to it's ownership?

Forwarding a video on conversion to Christianity

Q: I came across a video on facebook in which a Hindu woman was converting to Christianity. It was a ritual, some words were exchanged between the priest and the woman and then he baptised her. I forwarded this clip to many people in my contact list with no intention to inspire anyone to convert to Christianity (ma'aaz Allah) nor did I intend to promote Christianity, it was purely out of curiosity and sharing knowledge. What does Quran and Hadith say about this?

Are difficulties in this world a test from Allah Ta'ala or punishment?


1. If someone has many problems and issues and failed in life everyway, could these be due to punishment from Allah? or test from Allah?

2. If Allah punishes someone in this world by giving him diseases and problems, does he needs to be patient?

3. Why do some people suffer and fail in this world but others get good in this world and next world (hereafter)?

Selling agharbatti and muti products


1. Please advise if it's permissable for one to sell traditional muti products, such as tokoloshe salts, oils, soaps, etc, many of which has the following phrases on them (go away evil, money drawing, sangoma, luck , etc.)?

2. Is it permissible for one to sell agarbattis with the same phrases as above?

3. I work for a wholesaler that sells these products together with many other cosmetic products, part of my job is to purchase, sell, capture on the system and promote these products, is my earnings haraam?