Live broadcasting of animate objects

Q: I recently came across the following with regards to live broadcasting:

Shaykh Mufti Taqi Usmani (may Allah preserve him) and many other scholars have declared that live broadcastings of images do not fall within the ambit of picture-making (taswir). A picture is something that is permanent and static, whilst the image broadcasted live is not permanent, hence cannot be termed a picture. A live broadcast is in reality a reflection of the actual image, similar to seeing an image in a mirror. Therefore, if an image of a human or animal is broadcasted live, then this does not fall into the unlawful picture-making. It will be permitted to broadcast something live or view a live programme, provided the content of the programme is lawful (halal). (Taqrir Tirmidhi, 2/351)

In view of the above:

1. Is it permissable to watch the haramain live channels not on television e.g. YouTube? 

2. Is it permissable to watch these channels live from television?

Who pays the transfer charges in terminating a partnership in properties?

Q: Six brothers are in partnership in a portfolio of various properties. One of the brothers would like to exit. He would exit by taking his equal share in the form of properties. This would incur capital tax gain payments to the tax authorities and transfer and stamp duty payments. From a Shar’ee point of view, who would be liable for capital tax payments and transfer and stamp duty costs? Would it be the buyer (the brother exiting) or the sellers (the remaining five brothers)?