Checking zodiac signs

Q: My question is related to astrology. I wanted to know if being aware or checking the compatiblilty of me and my partner is haraam or not? I know that believing in palmistry and fortune telling is a sin but my question is just that. Checking the traits of a certain zodiac man or checking someone's compatibility with you is haram or not? Is it kufr? 

Leasing a car from the bank

Q: I am a government employee. I got my car by signing a lease with the bank on a monthly installment for 7 years. The actuall price was 15 lacks but the bank gave it to me for 23 lacks which is too much. Now I am not comfortable with it. Is it interest as all the banks in pakistan are based on interest. 

Shaking hands and hugging one's mother's friend

Q: My mother has a friendship with a woman (just a normal friendship). So, sometimes, when I meet her, my mother expects me to shake hands, hug and kiss her, or at least one of the mentioned. I have actually been doing this for last several years. I also need to mention that she is not a mahram to me. In addition, she does not observe hijab in front of non-mahram males. Alhamdulillaah, since last year, I actively started learning my religion. I will be 20 years old next month (September), by miladi calendar. I need to mention that the friend of my mother is more than 35 years. Most likely, she is between 35 and 40. I heard or read somewhere that shaking hands with old women is permissible if there is no fear of fitnah. I can verify that I have no fear of desire or anything attracting when I meet her since she is and looks quite old and has a husband. Also, the same with hugging and kissing if I am not wrong. However, these are things I heard or probably read from an untrustworthy source.