Will one be a ma'zoor by emitting few drops when aroused?

Q: I have been experiencing a few problems lately. Often when I experience an erection, a few drops of what I believe to be semen. I have never had a wet dream so I don't really know what it should look like. This does not happen everytime but it does occur.

a) Am I considered to be mazoor?

b) If not do I have to have a bath every time that happens?

c) If i am mazoor do i have to have a every time?

Breaking an oath

Q: In my past I have made vows to Allah saying that I would not do a "sin". For example if I stole something and felt really bad I would repent and say I promise I won’t ever steal again to Allah. The reason I emphasized "sin" is because some of the promises were just misconceptions meaning the "sin" is not really a sin I just promised not to do something thinking it was sinful but in truth it was not a sin. For example if I felt bad that I would delay my prayers I would promise to Allah that I would not delay the prayer ever again. Delaying prayers is not a sin but I made the promise thinking it was a sin. these misconception promises are really hard to keep and I am having a hard time living with them. So, I need to make these promises I made to Allah void or make the promises not count anymore. Is that even possible? How can I do it?

Female working in an old age home

Q: I am a student who works at a taxi call center and I sometimes have to book taxis for people who come and go from bars and night clubs. I have been questioning a lot if my job is haram but I am not sure if I am directly involved in their sins. Because of the uncertanity I decided to apply for a second job in the hopes of quiting this one. I applied for a job at a group home to help seniors and people with disabilities, but I have not taken the job yet as there are different views about a female person working in such settings. I applied for this job because I thought it would be rewarding to take care of someone in need. Is it okay to work there if I take care of women only or if I just help them around the house without having to see their awrah? I am really struggling to find a halal job.


Q: Is it permissible to consume shellac which is typically being used as a glazing agent in sweets and chocolates?



1. Is calamari makrooh or haraam in the Hanafi madhab?

2. If food has been touched or contaminated by calamari, will that make the food makrooh or haraam?

3. Also, if one has to eat calamari will he be sinful?