Paying a debt in a different currency

Q: I placed my partner's money overseas without his knowledge. In December we decided to end the partnership and I worked out in dollars (R13.72) the amount owing to my partner and we signed. It is now April and the dollar price (12.02) has dropped. Do I now pay him out on the current dollar price. If we signed in December would it not be in accordance with Sharia to pay him on the dollar price at that time (13.72). Or everytime I pay must it be at current value.

Refraining from bad company

Q: I have a question regarding the abandoning of bad companions or friends and relating this to the hadith: “The actions are presented on every Monday and Thursday. Allah forgives every Muslim or every believer, except for those who are boycotting each other. He says (about them): ‘Leave them.’”

If these companions are also Muslim but all they talk about is indecent and innapproiate stuff and listening to songs and wanting you to do that as well then is ignoring and boycotting then like the same as in the hadith.

Musaafir performing qasar salaah when staying in a town for less than 15 days

Q: I traveled from Pakistan to Stretford UK where I intended to stay for less than 15 days and during these days will go for a day to Peterborough and come back and then after two days will go for two days to London and come back. Then I will move 15 miles away to Hazel Grove town and will stay there for 20 days. My question is that should I pray qasar salah or otherwise?

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: I have made many oaths to Allah. These oaths will be effective my whole life meaning that for example I promised that I would never lie again and that promise would be there my whole life with me and Allah. The problem is I made an oath saying that if I saw a bad thing in a film I would never watch it or anything like it but I cannot keep this promise up and promises similar. One promise said I would never tell any special dreams because I was told that telling your dreams will reduce the special dreams you get but you’re supposed to tell your dreams that are good. So what I need to do is get rid of the promises I made with Allah I need to make them void how can I do that