Taking the name of Allah at the time of adultery

Q: This question is very important. In fact, almost all committing this sin face this, but do not think about it and do not ask about it. Will this be a kufr to watch pornography and masturbate, in which actors pronounce the name of God during adultery and/or they utter phrases that offend God, during adultery? Will this be contentment with unbelief and with an insult to God, if muslim does not agree with these words and actions in the heart?

Calculating haiz when in istihaazah

Q: In the case of istihaaza, if my period starts at around 4:00-5:00, then after my haiz days I then count 15 days as clean, now I am still having discharge like 2 times a day. So if I see any discharge at approx 4:40,will my haiz start? This is because I dont know the exact time my haiz had started last time, it was around 4 to 5 o clock... So it could be after 4:40 also.

Is it important that my counting should go in exact hours and minutes or can there be a difference of half an hour or so? I have counted the above scenario as my period. Is it okay?

Online stock trading

Q: The question is regarding online stock trading. To understand below are the few details:

CNC (Cash and Carry): Delivery trade using CNC with no leverage. Once bought, shares will get delivered to your demat account and if sold, shares will get debited from your demat account.

MIS (Margin Intraday Square off): Intraday trade using MIS for additional leverage between 9:15 AM and 3:20 PM. All open MIS positions get squared off at 3:20 PM.

The Question is regarding CNC and MIS. MIS is Haraam as the stocks will be squared off by the broker if not sold on the same day.

Regarding CNC I want to make it clear. When we buy the stocks via CNC The stocks will be confirmed like a bill generation and we get the right to sell it in the next minute and also if we want we can keep the stock for selling it later. Please let me know, whether we can do this delivery based trading or not? the complete rights are given to sell to buyer.