Doubts about following a mazhab

Q: I am a hanafi but I don't know I'm getting these kind of questions about mathabs for so many weeks now, like for example, why am I supposed to read salaah if I'm a hanafi when its 10+ days of haydh and I'm not supposed to if I'm a Shaafi or like why would I be a sinner if I didn't read salaah before Shaafi times end and and I'm not a sinner and I dont have to read qadha if im a Hanafi

1. I fail to understand why there are so many masaail that contradict each other so why do they?

2. Is qiyaas from sunnah?

Keeping a female manager in one's business

Q: I would like to know where do I stand in a situation whereby my husband is in ownership of a shop. He has a manageress who is not in purdah and only hijaab. She is young. There are 2 other black workers with them. He communicates with her on whatsapp and phone about the shop. I am not happy as I believe that it is a dangerous situation whereby shaytaan can play a major role discreetly. He is adamant that nothing will happen. My opinion is to keep her on probation until a male is available which he refuses to do. Being an aalim I would have thought he would know better. Please advise as it is causing a lot of stress to me n a lot of arguments.

Enquiring about food given by people who are involved in bid'aat

Q: I reside in Kashmir. Here our neighbours usually send raw meat or rice preparations to each other. Some people among them are those who go to dargahs etc. Is it necessary to enquire from them about in whose name they have prepared these rice preparations or sacrificed the animals before eating it or accepting it. Also it may not be possible every time to ask them in whose name they have sacrificed the animal etc.

Performing salaah on a bus

Q: I am an employee in india. The maghrib time in summer (which is the season right now) starts at/after the time when my office bus starts (6:30pm) to drop the employees. Since I take the office bus and my home is approximately 2hrs, my maghrib takes place in the bus whilst being seated. There is very little khushoo with everyone staring at me and it is troubling me a lot. Is it valid for me to join my maghrib prayer with asr so that I can pray it peacefully in office before starting? If valid, can I join asr and maghrib until the sunset time changes to before 6:30pm which might take 4-5 months?

Living in a place where there is no Muslim cemetery

Q: Me and my wife life where there is no Muslim graveyard. There is only a Christian graveyard. My wife also reverted to Islam. If me or my wife die can we be buried in the Christian graveyard if we don't have money to send the body to a Muslim country. If someone makes our funeral in a Muslim country masjid while our body is not there, will this funeral be valid while we buried in this non muslim country? 

Bearing the loss of an infant child

Q: I am a woman who lost my baby girl when she was only 1 year and 7 months. It is very difficult for me to face her lost. Whenever I think of her I can't bear that pain but I always think that she will b under Allah's protection so I feel little happy but I want to know the correct position of her and what amal can I do to benefit her?