Taking food from food banks

Q: What is the ruling for taking food from food banks (that give food to anyone who comes? My family is not poor but can have a tight budget of halal income and my mom goes to food banks to get food because anyone can. Also, if someone takes food from a food bank without needing it, does the food become haram?

Also, the food banks get donations from halal meat places, and some of the packaging has company name and the halal symbol on it but some don't (because the separate them into plastic bags). The people at the food bank say that the one's that don't have labels on it also came from halal stores. Is it permissible to eat these?

Is mocking people kufr?

Q: Suppose that I was explaining a question of maths to another person. He was weak in maths so he could not understand properly what I explained. Then I mocked at him that you couldn't understand this simple problem and others also laughed at him. Then, because I mocked at someone who was trying to learn something. Learning to score good marks and please his parents. Pleasing his parents to please Allah. So indirectly I mocked at him while he was trying to please Allah. Is this kufr indirectly? Mocking on a person who tried to please Allah.

Are vitamins in milk halaal?

Q: In Saudi Arabia all milk are fotified with vitamin A and D which we dont know whether it is halaal or haraam. Since we are female we cannot make complete investigations and enquiries. We have not been drinking milk for approximately 6 months. But we need to drink milk for nutritional purposes. Can we drink the milk or not? My younger sister is weak and she needs to drink milk.

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I understand that after a miscarriage, the blood will be considered nifas if the miscarried fetus had any sort of physical development, like a limb has been formed. Approximately how many weeks is this at? I’ve heard that it should be a minimum of 3 months. Also, is the heart beat considered? If no limb has formed but the heart beat can be heard? Because the heart beat can be heard very early in the pregnancy.

Musaafir stopping over in his home town while travelling

Q: If my watan iqaama is Karachi (temporary place of residence), and I travel to London for 20 days. From London, I have to go to South Africa for 20 days. I depart from London and have a layover in Karachi. I am in Karachi for one day before leaving for South Africa. While I am in Karachi, even if it is for a couple of hours, will I pray qasr or full? As Karachi is my place of residence, but I’m just stopping in it for a couple of hours. Please explain.

Fulfilling one's father's oath after his death

Q: I had no children, and then my wife got pregnant. My father had brain hemorrhage and was in a coma. When he was still little conscious, he said that he will sacrify a cow. After that he died. Do we need to sacrifice a cow from his side or not? If not, will he get in trouble or not? We do not know whether he promised Allah or not, but we were present when he said that he had 20000 rupess to buy and sacrifice a cow when the baby is born.