Women studying online

Q: I have completed my A Levels but did not attend a university after that as I was told by my Shaikh that leaving the house for such studies was not permissible for women. Now I wish to enroll in an online university for a 4-year Psychology Bachelor Program. In this university, classes are conducted online and are prerecorded. One has to listen to lectures online and only leave the house for taking the exams. I was told by someone who has already studied from the said university that the prerecorded lectures are sometimes given by male teachers as well. However, I may be able to guard my eyes by only 'listening' and not watching if the lecturer is a male. Kindly advise me as to whether it is allowed to enroll in such a university or not.

Sitting for i'tikaaf in a musalla

Q: May the sunnah i'tikaaf in Ramadhan be held in a facility which accommodates and facilitates the 5 times salaah, including the jumuah salaahs. This is presently a musallah which caters for the residents in the area, over 300 Muslim homes. Consent dues have been granted already for the musallah to continue, alhamdulillah. The nearest masjid is about 4 Kms away which has a limited space for the mu'takifeen. Kindly advise if we could hold the sunnah i'tikaaf for the musallees of the area?

Reciting بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم when continuing to the next surah in Taraweeh Salaah

Q: If someone is leading a congregation, for example Taraweeh. Does the imam need to say بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم after he finishes a surah and decides to continue? For example, if the Imam just finished Surah Baqarah and wants to continue to Al-Imran, does he stop after finishing and continue or does the Imam recite Tasmiyah and then continue to Al-Imran? Please clarify me on this.