Kaffarah for breaking a fast of Ramadhaan

Q: About 12 years ago when I was 22 (I guess so), I broke my fast intentionally (I don't want to mention the reason but all I can say is I was with my fiance. And I did not know that the kuffara will be to fast for 60 days consecutively. Now after so many years, I have not only realized that I committed a sin but want to do the kuffara and repent. Please explain to me the procedure and if there are any alternatives and what is more appropriate for me to do.

Giving money to the musjid with the intention of settling one's debt

Q: I have a debt with my friend. He payed for a bowling event and I was supposed to pay him back. I've been wanting to pay him back but everytime I tried to pay him back he said that we will talk about it next time. However he did not say he will forgive my debt. How am I supposed to deal with this? I know that having a debt and not paying it can be a hurdle for me to enter heaven. If I donate it to the mosque will it considered as done? My previous teacher told me that as long as the person is still alive, I have to pay him. Its been a year already.

Musaafir staying in a place with the intention of leaving before 15 days

Q: I have travelled with my family safar distance to a major city with many suburbs within it, we will be staying in the madressa property in this city, for 2 months and then returning to our town.

We are already here 2 weeks. I never intended staying in the madressa for full 15 days as yet, as i was trying to take out a 3 days jamaat over the weekend, and spending time with this jamaat in another suburb of this big city.

Over the past 2 weekends the jamaat did not materialise and I still have intention to take it out next weekend.

Therefore I still do not have the niyyat yet to stay inside the madressa property for 15 days. However, as from tomorrow it will be that i already stayed 15 full days in the madressa (though not intending it).

1. Am i a musaafir or muqeem?

And what was I all these days?

2. Also what is the general masla regarding big cities with different suburbs? Are they regarded as one big place or different places when it comes to musaafir and muqeem.

Befriending Shias

Q: I have a best friend who is a Shia and I am a Sunni though I’ve always been told by others not to trust Shias. A couple of months ago this boy I know started being very Islamophobic to me saying Islam is a cult and that I hate Jews which I do not and he called me a terrorist and some stuff about Isis etc. He has not once apologised and he is a kaafir. Recently I’ve had to find out from my peers that my best friend who is a Shia has been dating this same boy secretly whilst knowing what he’s done to me. She has touched a male before but not intercourse with a male, she then lied to me, multiple times and ignored me when she admitted that she has been dating this guy. I then out of anger said some horrible things and told others, whilst she has not apologised what should I do? Islamically what advice would you give me?