Non-Muslims entering Musjids


1. Are non-Muslims allowed in masjids? Can Non-Muslims be invited into the masajid by Muslims?

2. Can non-Muslims enter into Makkah or Madinah or the Haram boundaries?

3. Can we invite non-Muslims to our house for lunch/dinner or their bad company could affect our Iman as well? Can we be friends with non-muslims?

Inheritance issues

Q: The purpose of this email is firstly to educate myself on how to cope with such a dilema and how I could sit down and advise my father on what has happened and InshaAllah he can put this particular issue to rest. These things are constantly on his mind which is affecting his health, basically he needs closure.

The estate in question is of my uncle, my fathers brother. He left behind no children, a widow only. His widow was the executor of his estate. She distributed the estate to herself on the basis my late uncle gave her everything he owned two days before his death. She has a fatwa from a respected mufti that what she did/is doing is correct, Mufti's fatwa was correct on the information he was provided but does not tell the whole story.

My uncle passed away from cancer, he suffered before his death. In my personal opinion he was not in sane state of mind in the weeks before his death. He verbally abused my parents when they visited and even stated openly to everyone he will not let my father inherit from his estate. So our family accepts that his living request was not to distribute his estate according to Shariah. And we have no control over his estate as we were left out of consultation when it came to this matter.

Her defense is Mufti's fatwa says everything is done according to Shariah. Apparently there was witnesses to my uncle verbally giving everything to her in that two days before his death, but no one willing to come forward.

My father is very upset in the manner in which his one and only brothers estate was handled, for example he was excluded from the will reading etc... My father accepts the facts that his brother did not want him to inherit. Also he has no intention of claiming from this estate, besides him having no legal claim whatsoever. All he wants is clarification on the events leading to the conclusion that his brothers estate is done islamically according to Shariah. Verily Allah (swt) knows best.

My father is very strong headed when it comes down to whats right and wrong. The amount of disunity in the family this has created is very sad... Two questions I may ask please...

1. Please advise me what advise i can give my father on dealing with this matter as it is not healthy for him to carry on like this.

2. Based on the Above events, taken into account everything is done according to Shariah, does my uncles wife have the right to claim his full share from My GRAND FATHERS estate.

Blocking ads on the internet

Q: Is it haram to use adblock and such add-ons that prevent ad pop ups? Because it can be preventing money reaching to its rightful owner example if I watch a youtube video without ads on it because of adblock the youtuber is not making money for his effort of making the video

Having a walima after rukhsati

Q: I have been married for less than 6 months and will be having the rukhsati (reception) very soon, probably in a month. My wife and I go out occasionally and sometimes I drop her at work. We hold hands while I drive her to work. Is this wrong? We also cuddle at times. Is this wrong? We kissed few times. Was this wrong? What I mean by wrong was it inappropriate since the valima is yet to happen however I have not consummated her nor do I intend to until the reception is done in shaa allah but just have my concerns since I don't want to do anything wrong. Your advise will be much appreciated as the local muftis told me something about tanhai that if tanhai happened then I have to do valima with in 3 days. I am kinda scared and I don't get the point of tanhai. Also for your information we did have a small ceremony to inform that I have completed the wedding rituals. does this help?

Inheritance issues

Q: Estate of deceased father:

1. (Father- passed on in 1979) left one immovable property in his will currently valued at R1,495m.

2. The will made provision for his wife (passed on 2001) to have use of the property until the day she passed (usufruct) and left the 11 siblings as the owners of the property (bare dominium) - to either sell the property after the mother passed on and/or if the heirs agree to do so. (Is this clause permissible in Sharia especially in light of their now being a dispute regarding the sale of the property)?

3. 1 Brother and family lived in the house since 2000 to date as well as another two-sibling’s; a sister (unmarried) and brother (mentally retarded passed on in 2016).

4. Neither of the siblings living in the house has ever paid rent, but the sister who used to work maintained the house and the brother who resides in the house with his family has made extensions to the house to accommodate for him and his family.

Family dispute:

1. The two oldest living brothers currently want to sell the house of their deceased father and wind up his estate according to Sharia law of Inheritance.

2. The other 4 siblings are disputing the sale of the house. Reasons being

– Brother who has built on refuses to move with family.

– Unmarried sister refuses to live with any other brother & family.

– Youngest brother feels he needs to protect brother living in house.

– Other sister refuses to get involved and does not want to offend sister.

3. Did the mother have the right to grant consent to her son to build the extension without the necessary consent from the other siblings who were the true owners (bare dominium) of the property by way of inheritance?

Possible discussions of sorting matter out:

Brother residing in house wants to be compensated for the extension in addition to his share of inheritance? (Approval was not sought from all the heirs and no agreement to the extension, also he has never paid rent.)

Sister who resides in house wants to claim compensation for looking after mentally retarded brother and mother all the years hence wants her share to be increased accordingly? (Even though she claimed all the government subsidies of both).

The 4 siblings want the property to be sold to the brother’s daughter (who resides in the house with her father) at a below market value, and she can only afford to do so in the next two years. They also offered the two brothers wanting to wind up his estate their share of the inheritance and thus only settled the remaining heirs at a later stage (approx. 2 years), remaining heirs are widows and children of diseased brothers.

Can such an offer be made or accepted? Brothers wanting to wind up the estate are being treated ruthless, its affecting their health and they at a stage where they feel like giving up. Please advice accordingly.

Brother in law touching sister in law

Q: My brother in law tries to touch me here and there. First I didnt notice it but one day he touched my parts unknowingly and telling me that I am reacting wrong. My husband is abroad and mother in law is handicapped. My husband is telling me to leave it to Allah and to speak to him normal as if nothing happened. I feel so bad and guilty from heart because this is about my izzat. My husband says that it was all my fault.