Black Friday

Q: What is the Islamic perspective on Black Friday sales? I’ve read that this day is linked to Christian holidays. Even some Muslim businesses are promoting items for this day.

Parents not getting daughter married

Q: I belong to a pakistani family. I am 29 years old my parents are not thinking about my marriage as i am a girl they should think about me but unfortunaltely they keep ignoring this main issue even though if any proposal comes they just ignore ,as a single girl sometimes it is very hard for me to control eveything how can i tell my parents that i also want to get married and wanted to live my life with my husband, i know parents are a blessing but they should also think about my marriage and my parents dont talk to each other literally .

TV screen in the musjid

Q: I have question regarding photography in the masjid. Nowadays we see in our country that there is a big screen inside the masjid in which we can see the imam who is delivering a bayan, etc. I want to know if that is correct?

Secondly I have heard that if there is an animated object where salah is perform than your salah will be makrooh? Is this correct?

Husband saying "Our nikaah is haraam"

Q: I have been married for 27 years. My husband used to beat me but now his health doesn't allow so he calls names. Recently he crossed the line by saying that our nikaah is haraam and as a result our children are haraam. I am very upset and troubled. He prays 5 times a day and even wakes up for tahajjud. He has read the tafseer and been for hajj and umrah.

Keeping a beard


1. Can I know any authentic hadith and examples other than that of Ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) of cutting a fistful of the beard?

2. When we say cut a fistful of the beard (exceeding one fist), from where do we take 1 fist? How do we know this? Is there any authentic source which mentions that one fist is from the chin or do we just assume it?

Equality between wives

Q: My husband has 2 wives. I am a working lady and share 60-70% of my and my kids' expenditures with my salary and job, but the other one is a house wife who is totally dependant on my husband. My husband spends one night with me and the other night with her. I work from 7 am to 5 pm. But my husband has broken shifts. He is free in the afternoon, so everyday he goes to my cowife's house in the afternoon because I am not at home and from there he goes to work again. On the way back to my cowive's house, he visits me for an hour everyday.

My cowife says that it is unfair that he spends time with me from her night. She also argues , "He spends the afternoons at my house because you are not available, it is not my problem. You can leave the job and stay with me in my house. Otherwise he should not visit you when it is my turn." She says that Allah will punish me for all this.

Please tell me where I am wrong? Shall we divide my available time half-half between me and my cowife or what?