Time of walimah

Q: Please advise how exactly is a nikah consummated. Is it necessary for the couple to perform intercourse or even if they slept together that shall be sufficient to perform walimah.

Breaking oaths in the state of kufr

Q: This is a three-part question related to vows/oaths. There is an individual who committed kufr (he started believing in human evolution, i.e. human beings evolved from other hominid species), but later returned to Islam.

1. The oaths that he took, and later broke, prior to committing kufr. Do these fall off (i.e. he does not have to pay kaffarah for them) because he committed kufr, and kufr wipes away all of one's past deeds (good and bad)?

2. The oaths that he took (in the state of kufr) and later broke (also in the state of kufr). Do these also fall off (i.e. he does not have to pay kaffarah for them) because he broke those oaths in a state of kufr?

3. The oaths that he took in the state of kufr, but later broke AFTER returning to Islam. Do these also fall off (i.e. he does not have to pay kaffarah for them) because he took those oaths in a state of kufr?

Fear of riya (showing off)


1. I don't like people around me hearing me recite during prayer as my recitation is not good (I'm in the process of learning correct pronunciation) so whenever people are around me while I pray I adjust how silently I pray accordingly. Is this considered as riya?

2. If I try to recite a bit smoother when I know someone else in the room, not because I want to please or to show off, but because I feel embarrassed about my recitation, is this riya?

3. Also, if someone comes into the room while you are praying and you feel glad that they see you praying, but you don't necessarily adjust your prayer, is this riya? Do you prayers become invalidated because of it?

Lastly, if you didn't know certain acts were considered showing off during worship/prayer, but then learn it later, do you have to make them up?

Selling a musjid

Q: There is a masjid in that is now being sold to purchase a new property. Some main points:

- It’s mainly indo-pak community so 90 to 95% of the congregation is Hanafi

- The committee is Hanafi as well

- The committee is now saying they never made intention for it to be a masjid

- Some Ulama are saying intention was made

- The new masjid property is 5 stories and accommodates the biggest Muslim community in Toronto

- The current masjid cannot accommodate the amount of kids in the area for Maktab, Jummah etc.

- There is no possibility of extending the current “Masjid” because of the type of building and area it is situated in.

Are they allowed to sell the masjid if the intention was made for masjid? Someone said that they are allowed to take rulings from other Madhabs in this scenario to find a way to fix the issue at hand, is this correct? What should be done in this scenario?



1. When should I perform aqeeqah for my baby boy? On the 7th day or 14th day or 21st day? Many scholars say that if it was not done on the 7th then it should be done on the 14th. If it was not done on the 14th then it should be done on the 21st.

2. Two sheep should be slaughtered for a baby boy, so can I slaughter one here in Saudi Arabia and one in Pakistan?