Brother being a wali in nikaah

Q: During my nikah, one of the witnesses asked me who I wish to take as my representative, and I said my brother. My question is:

1. Is it necessary for the bride to verbally appoint her representative or can her brother, being her wali, act on her behalf without her saying so.

2. If I didnt say my brothers full name does this affect the validity of the nikah. On the marriage certificate my brothers full name is written.

3. If nothing of the dowry amount is paid immediately does this have affect the validity of the nikah?

Judging people

Q: Over the years I have always heard the advice from pious elders that one should not judge people on their actions or otherwise. However whenever my sisters and I have a discussion about current issues in the community and tell them not to judge people they argue that the wrong is apparent so it is not wrong. Is it correct not to judge the person only their action but think the best of each person? Please help me understand. My sisters insist that my thinking is the same as will be of the people at the time of dajjal. This worries me greatly.

Women trimming uneven hair

Q: My hair is passed my hips. When I cut my hair when coming out of ihraam, I cut it bent so the end of my hair is uneven. Would it be permissable to straighten it so its 1 length. The purpose is not to imitate kuffar or fashion, because the uneven hair can sometimes look unattractive.

Is it permissible to quote and rely upon information found in Shia kitaabs?

Q: I recently received e-mails and other whatsapp messages which claim that some years after Hazrat Husain (radhiyallahu anhu) was killed, the Shia of Kufah came out seeking revenge for his death. Apparently, the leader of these Shias was Sulaimaan bin Surad, and they were named ‘Tawwaaboon’ (the repentant ones). They fought against Ubaidullah bin Ziyaad and most of them, including their leader, Sulaimaan bin Surad, were killed in this battle. The information quoted in these messages has been taken from kitaabs of the Shia. Is this information correct, and is it correct to quote from the kitaabs of the Shia?