
Time of walimah

Q: Please advise how exactly is a nikah consummated. Is it necessary for the couple to perform intercourse or even if they slept together that shall be sufficient to perform walimah.

Having a walima after rukhsati

Q: I have been married for less than 6 months and will be having the rukhsati (reception) very soon, probably in a month. My wife and I go out occasionally and sometimes I drop her at work. We hold hands while I drive her to work. Is this wrong? We also cuddle at times. Is this wrong? We kissed few times. Was this wrong? What I mean by wrong was it inappropriate since the valima is yet to happen however I have not consummated her nor do I intend to until the reception is done in shaa allah but just have my concerns since I don't want to do anything wrong. Your advise will be much appreciated as the local muftis told me something about tanhai that if tanhai happened then I have to do valima with in 3 days. I am kinda scared and I don't get the point of tanhai. Also for your information we did have a small ceremony to inform that I have completed the wedding rituals. does this help?

Delaying in consummating the nikaah

Q: I have a topic I would like to speak about that I've been trying to read upon but simply can't find anything about it. I recently got married alhamdulilah. Me and my wife spend a lot of time together and alhamdulilah we're looking for a house as soon as possible but I have a feeling we won't consumate the marriage (intimacy) till a long time down the line. I'm just not a sexually active person. I adore my wife and enjoy my time with her so much that sex is never on my mind and she is the same. Is it haram or wrong to wait till the perfect time even if it takes 3-6 months to have sex? 

Talaaq before consummation

Q: My nikkah took place in august and it was decided that rukhsati will be done in December when the members of both families will gather up, as siblings from both the families were settled abroad. No specific date was fixed even though my mother asked my mother in law a couple of times after nikkah, but she kept on making different excuses. My husband and I used to talk on phone once a week and he was absolutely normal yet I could notice some annoyance in his tone after sometime.