Zabah off fish
Q: Are fish already Zabihah (Halaal)?How? Why don't we do zabihah for fish just like we do in cases of Cows, goats, hens, camels?
Q: Are fish already Zabihah (Halaal)?How? Why don't we do zabihah for fish just like we do in cases of Cows, goats, hens, camels?
Q: If one missed qurbaani, will he have to pay the price of the whole animal for every year or one share for every year?
Q: Can we eat kosher? Because I have heard that we can not eat. Can we eat with any Jew or Christian nowadays. I heard we can only eat dry fruit with them. Please answer me with proof.
Q: If the aqeeqa of a child is not done within 7 days, is it then done on 14th, 21st, 28th and so on days (multiple of 7 days) or can it be done on any days after 7 days? Please can you inform me on these issues.
Q: I have some doubts regarding fishing, which I would like you to please clear.
1. Is permissible or haraam to fish without the intention of eating/selling/giving away the fish, that is the fisherman practise catch and release.
2. If the above is not permissible, would it be permissible for me to only take home the smaller fish, as I live alone and have no use for the larger fish.
3. If (1) and (2) are not permissible, what may I do with my fishing equipment. May it be sold or given away?
Q: How do you find out the current value of a qurbani animal so one can fulfil a qadha qurbani?
Q: Everyone says you cannot wax in the 10 days of qurbaani. Is it possible to wax in the last 3 days before eid?
Q: If an abattoir outside the boundaries of the city where I live does Qurbani on my behalf between fajar and eid Salaah, is this Qurbaani valid?
Q: In my country there are organisations that do Qurbani and send the meat to needy countries, the price differs by which country it goes to. Is it ok if my husband does this as a Qurbani for himself and our son? And is it ok to choose which ever one suits our pocket?
Q: In qurbani can two people share in a camel?