Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter

Nafl qurbaani for Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and other family members in one animal

Q: Although multiple intentions are permissible for nafl qurbaani, is it munaasib (appropriate) to perform a nafl qurbaani with the intention for Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and other deceased family members in one animal? (i.e. 1 sheep for Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and ones deceased parents/grandparents, etc.)

Grand parents doing aqeeqah for their grandchild


1. Should aqeeqah only be done by the child's father for it to be valid or can the child's grand parents do the aqeeqah if they want to out of love, even though the child's father can afford to do aqeeqah himself? Will the aqeeqah be valid in this case?

2. Will the grand parents have to take permission from the child's father if they want to do the aqeeqah? If they do it without his permission will the aqeeqah be valid or will the aqeeqah have to be done again by the father to be valid?

3. Suppose someone else, like any other relative, wants to do the aqeeqah, will they have to take permission from the child's father to do the aqeeqah?

Determining the day of aqeeqah

Q: My child was born on 3rd September at 3:43 pm, that was 3rd Muharram. I want to perform aqeeqah on the seventh day which, according to me, falls on 10 th September (from 9th evening to 10th evening). But my wife says it falls on 9th September which according to me is wrong. 3rd Muharram ended on 3rd evening that makes the date of birth the 3rd, but that doesn’t mean that 1 day is completed.

When we count days it is counted as:

1st day is 3rd to 4th day
2nd day is 4th to 5th day
3rd day is 5th to 6th day
4th day is 6th to 7th day
5th day is 7th to 8th day
6th day is 8th to 9th day
7th day is 9th to 10th day

Now what she says is by the Maghrib of the 3rd day, 1 day is counted. She is insisting on the 9th.