
Giving jewellery to one's children to avoid paying zakaat

Q: I was told to use the below fatwa as a hilah to avoid giving zakat on jewellery, however the jewellery gift by us to our own child is the same that we wish to give them on their marriage. The questions are: 

1. Is this hilah genuine?

2. Allah forbid, if the future becomes difficult and the jewellery is sold for survival before the child's marriage, what should be done?


It is permissible for parents to accept on behalf of their minor children. Hence, if a minor girl's mother accepts jewellery on her behalf, she will become the owner of the jewellery, regardless of whether her mother informed her about it or not. After she becomes baaligh, zakaat will be compulsory upon the jewellery. If she did not have knowledge of her mother's accepting the jewellery for her, then at the time she comes to know, she will have to discharge the zakaat for every year from the time of puberty till the present year.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee

Giving money to women beggars


1. Is it ok to give sadaqah to the beggars that stand outside the masjid and on street corners?

2. According to my understanding, in Islam, women are not required to work to provide for themselves even if they are young and fit enough to work. So will it be permissible to give sadaqah to women beggars with this intention or will I be encouraging them to beg?

Zakaat on gifted jewellery

Q: In your fatwa copied below, please advise if the unmarried girl does not know about (or does not have true possession ) of the jewellery. Minor girls may know it is for them but they have practically no control on it.

Zakaat on gifted jewellery

Q: Many years ago, my maternal grandmother had kept an amount of gold jewellery in order to give it to me in my marriage. Later, my mother took it from her, telling her that she would keep it safely until the marriage. So the jewellery is with my mother. Now, since I am unmarried, I have not received it yet. My question is: Who is responsible for the payment of zakah for that particular gold jewellery?

A: If your grandmother gifted the jewellery to you and your mother took the jewellery on your behalf with your knowledge and consent, then it belongs to you and zakaat is compulsory upon you.

Zakaat on lost items

Q: I have to pay zakat for the previous year on some date in January and sometime ago I lost some of my gold. They were misplaced and one top went into the gutter. So do I need to pay zakat of the prev year on january for the misplaced items and what about the one which is gone into the gutter?