
Zakaat on bamboo and sugarcane

Q: I have question regarding zakat. I have cultivated bamboo on my land. Do I have to give zakat on bamboo? As far I know, the bamboo plant is not for eating so after harvesting it will I have to pay zakat?

What about sugarcane cultivation? E.g if I cultivate sugarcane on my land, it takes one year to harvest and after harvesting I have to send it to the sugar mills and I receive my money like after 2-3 months. So it takes 14 months and my harvest is almost more than 40000 mound what I have to pay? Will it count in money? 

Assisting one's brother with zakaat money

Q: My younger brother is jobless and has a wife and baby. I gave him money from my Zakaat so he can go to the Middle East to find work. It's been few months and he is still looking for a job and meeting his needs there by using zakaat money which I gave him. His wife is in her home country and needs some kind of financial support to meet her and the baby's needs. His wife has jewellery which is worth more than US$5,000. My question is that since my brother has no income to support her and his wife is a house wife, can I give Zakaat money to his wife so she can fulfill her needs along with baby's?

Giving zakaat to one's brother who is jobless

Q: My youger brother who is jobless and they have newborn baby. Currently, he has no income. Can we give him bulk of zakaat so he can fulfill the needs of his wife and baby? Few months ago we gave him zakaat for the amount equivalent to US$1000 which he deposited in his bank account. Can we give me more money from zakaat so he can manage the needs of his wife and baby?

Assisting a woman who is married to a Sayyid with zakaat

Q: My friend is non-syed, hes husband is syed, they are poor and needy. Her son recently diagnose with brain cancer tumor. Doctors advice them to do surgury as soon as possible other wise the child will be dead in a month. The total expense is 5 lack of the operation. My friend didnt even have 5 thousand in her pocket nor hes husband have. Question is can she apply for zakat for her childs life?